Creating your first CW character
Adding your character to the CW reference
Written Application
Here comes the fun part! Creating your cw character should be a lot fun, but remember your character is showing us yourself too. Make sure to be respectful in your descriptions (ie: don't cuss unless your character is the one doing it.) We can't wait to see what you come up with!
1. Make sure you have read the herd lore of your herd of choice. The factions available to new members are: Olde, Exile, Bachelor and Loner. Aphelion is closed to new members. While you may want to skim over all the lore pages to make your decision - you only need to read your choice's lore information in depth.
2. The most important part of the lore is the timeline - study up! If you have any questions or feel anything needs clarifying - just ask!
3.Characters must be created with natural colors in mind, we’d prefer not to see a blue or green coated horse. You can buy dye from the shop later if you want some streaks of color on your horse! While unnatural colors are prohibited, unnatural markings are 100% okay, want those leopard spots on the head? Or that odd spiral pattern on the butt? - go for it!
3.5. Bicolored eyes are 100% allowed (: We also allow ALL eye colors in chevalin - red,blue, pink green, grey -- just no rainbow eyes!
4. Characters MUST be of equine nature: this includes Horses, Donkeys, Mules, and Zebras. It does not include deer or other hooved animals.
5. Characters must be at least 13 years of age, as horses age like humans in Chevalin. You may NOT age your horse at will as there is an aging system, and an aging potion if you need it. We will announce the change of seasons, and it is recommended when you make a character, you list which season they were born in to help you keep track.
6. Characters must be between 9 Hh and 22 Hh, unless you have a reason to support why they are smaller or larger than this cap
7. We do not allow “Mary Sues” or “Gary Stu” characters, please have an understanding of what these are before trying to join the group. Basically, do not have a character with an insanely unrealistic or tragic past, with a disconnected personality. Make sure your character makes sense!
8. Characters may not begin with ITEMS or DYE outside of the item starter pack on them, however these items can be bought over time. We urge you to keep an easily editable file of your character because of this! The Item starter pack includes, 2 -3 small simple bracelets, 1 - 6 warm colored ribbons, 3 feathers of any type, and up to four flowers of any type
9. You may join Chevalin Wanderlust with only ONE character, however you can earn 6 + character slots throughout gameplay. Your second character slot is earned by buying a "voodoo doll" for 20 Witch Glass from the Ba'yagu Shop, and any character slots after that are earned by buying a "porcelian statue" for 100 Witch Glass from the Ba'yagu shop! Other character slots can be earned by special items like the Aphelion Stones (which allow unicorn characters) and the Rams horn (allows foal characters)
10. After your character is accepted, adding items that have not been purchased are against the rules (**)
11. Once in the group, you can only change your design by buying a "mirror" from Ba'Yagu's shop. (**)
12. Remember your character does not start with their inate ability OR their magical gift. Characters earn those later.
Download the character sheet that corresponds to your chosen faction (Olde, Bachelor, Exile, or Loner) and draw your character on top of it. Please fit your character in the allotted space.
If you cannot make a transparent ground PLEASE make the space behind the reference DEVIANT GREEN. This will make it appear transparent on CW! This makes us admins very happy!
Please color one side of your horse on the silhouette. This should be the side of your horse that is not shown on the full body drawing. The other sections of the application can be used for whatever you'd like. All backgrounds featured on this page are done correctly!
While we cant wait to so your beautiful art, the part that truely matters is the effort put in - and the quality of the written application. Please take care when filling out the written application. Every part below is required, but feel free to add more sections to your application - and organize it how ever you'd like as long as it is easy to read!
(Mutt is not acceptable, however a large list of mixed breeds is)
Starting Location:
(Which island your horse will start on)
(Olde, Bachelor, Exile, or Loner)
(please put the rank you want, if you do not get it, you will be able to change)
(Minimum 5 traits and 200 words. Remember, diseases mental or otherwise are not personality traits. Leave that to the "other" section of your rp. )
(Minimum 3 paragraphs)
(Optional, any extra information you want to share)
Joining CW
Welcome to CW! Joining cw should be a fun, easy process, but its definitely going to take some time. Theres a lot of reading involved but don't feel like you have to do it all in one day! Take your time and feel free to prepare an application even if we're not currently open - you can submit it when we are!
Below is a list of required reading for joining. Its important to read it in order so you don't confuse yourself!
Begin by reading steps 1, 2 and 3. Then pick a herd/faction (Olde, Exile, Bachelor, or Loner)
Then you can move onto character creation. You can ignore the tier tracker for now - just work on building your character tot he best he/she can be!
Next read over step 5, the tier tracker, and fill out the tier tracker for your character's corresponding herd.
Lastly - go ahead and submit your application to the group!
1. Rules
3. Herd Lore (choose one)
4. Character Creation (you are here)
5. Tier tracker.
Rank Changes
Later on when you've fully delved in to our world, you might be interested in changing the rank of your character! Some ranks, such as those of young horses into adult members of the herd, are somewhat the natural progression of things, while some are very bizarre and must mean a good story is behind it! Either way, there are some requirements to changing your rank, whether it be growing up into an adult, or changing herds:
• A roleplay involving the character in question, any other related characters, and the leader of the herd/faction (or new herd if it is a faction switch) - 3 posts minimum from all involved parties
• A full body, full background image of the character reacting to the change of rank and/or scenery
• No other rank change should have occurred in that faction within the last two weeks unless it is a group sanctioned event
Also note when changing ranks - you keep any benchmark (25, 50, 75, 100) that you earned in the former rank, and this should be noted on your tier tracker. Any overflow (such as 5 if you had 55 points in the old rank) gets automatically put towards your new rank. An example of this is here.
If you are hoping to change ranks, please note the group and give it the title (Herd Name): Rank Change and include your character's reference sheet, the new rank they want, and why. From there, the administrator that presides over that herd will help set you up with the roleplay with the leader character and so forth. Also note that if you are changing herds, there is an item to purchase from Bayagu as well for WG, and some herds may be closed.