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General Group Rules

Gameplay Rules


1.  Before you send a join request, please make sure you have read all of the rules! (*)  Most importantly, please be sure that the group is open!  We’d love to have you, but it’s only open a select few times of the year, and we wont accept applications when we're closed!


2. Be polite and courteous to your fellow members.  If there are any problems always contact an administrator.  We want Chevalin to be a place that is safe and fun! (* - ***)


3.  Try to come to the admins respectfully if you have any problems with the group.  State your problem kindly and the admins will do their best to come to a conclusion or a compromise.  Please do not lash out at the admins or attempt to change their minds rudely if it does not go exactly how you want.  We make our decisions for a reason, and we try our best to accomodate you! (**)


4. We do not tolerate under any circumstances the tracing or stealing of another’s artwork. Nor do we alow using any pre-made linearts and bases.  Art must be your own or a  credited commission from someone else. (first offense * ; second offense **) 


5.  Please do not send multiple join requests at one time, and don’t pester the admins to look at your applications. We will get to you - we promise!


6. Do NOT spam CW's front page with advertisements/personal problems or questions! Note us instead! (*)


7. Do NOT note or message the admins on their personal accounts regarding Chevalin. Instead title a note to the group with thier name if you want a specific admin! (*)


8. ALL "out of character" chatting must be kept to a "PG-13" level or under. Move to a private chat if you must. (**)


9. DO NOT  contact an admin on their personal account about cw. We will not respond and you will earn a strike. This of course is OK if they contact you FIRST.


9. And most importantly:  DO make lots of new friends and have a blast RPing your lovely characters! <3 (***************************************)



1.  You must at least be what is called a semi-literate writer.  We are not looking for professionals here, but we ask that you be able to write a 200 word paragraph with few mistakes. 



2.  You should be able to act maturely in stressful internet situations.  If you have a problem with another member, you should know that you can come to the admins in the event that you feel you cannot handle the problem by yourself.  Failing to reach an admin and causing drama instead will result in consequences. (**//***)



3.  You do not have to be purely an equine artist.  While the characters here must be equine, you do not have to be a perfect horse artist. We do accept artists of all levels into the group.


4. KEEP TRACK OF YOUR CURRENCY and TIER POINTS. Log them in a public place so the admins can see what you've done! Your tier tracker image should be updated every time your character levels up.


5. If you try to buy an item without having your WG logged for us, you will be given a strike.  You will also be given a strike if you take an item without buying it with our in game currency*)


6. Killing off another character without the owners permission is absolutely unacceptable. Deaths must be pre-planned by both parties involved if the death is a result of any type or murder. (**-***)


7. Do not "God Mod" or "Meta Game" when you roleplay. This means that you cannot control a character that is not your own unless you have the owner's permission. This is escpially true for Objective roleplays. If you are unsure what these terms mean, here is a great guide. (* - **)


8. If you sign up for an event - plan to be active in it. It isn't fair to your teammates if you aren't active. If you need to back out at anytime notify an admin! Its better to notify than disappear! (**)


9. Do not pubically RP content that is considered "R" or "NC-17" this includes graphic violence and sexual content. If the RP is privately rp'd and is uploaded for points, a large obvious warning of what it contains MUST be put at the top. Explicit sexual content will not be accepted into the group by any means. Please keep it in st.ash and link it to your tier tracker for points if you must (**-***)

In each rule you might have noticed a * being present. The numberof *s present is equal to the number of strikes you will recieve for breaking the rule. Do NOT agrue if you get a strike as it will only result in more strikes. You can however, politely explain if you feel you do not deserve the strikes. We ARE willing to listen and see if maybe we were wrong - but if you yell or whine at us - it makes it very hard to see why we should give you chance to explain.  You have to have read these rules to apply to the group, so you have no excuses to say you "didn't know". In your join request  (or in the March activity check) please write the phrase " toocoolforschool" if you understand the rules. If this phrase is not there we will not accept your application.

Joining CW


Welcome to CW! Joining cw should be a fun, easy process, but its definitely going to take some time. Theres a lot of reading involved but don't feel like you have to do it all in one day! Take your time and feel free to prepare an application even if we're not currently open - you can submit it when we are!


Below is a list of required reading for joining. Its important to read it in order so you don't confuse yourself!


Begin by reading steps 1, 2 and 3!


Then, pick one of the four available herd/factions (Olde, Exile, Bachelor, or Loner) (2 and 3)


Next you can move onto character creation. You can ignore the tier tracker for now - just work on building your character to  the best he/she can be!  (4)


Next read over step (5), the tier tracker, and fill out the tier tracker for your character's corresponding herd.


Lastly - go ahead and submit your application to the group!



1. Rules (you are here)

2. World Lore

3. Herd Lore (choose one)

4. Character Creation

5. Tier tracker.

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