The Exile horses’ history runs in line with their herd name, as these horses were not always a herd apart from the Olde or the Bachelors. Their story begins with the Great Compromiser, and the creation of the herd he lead: the Olde herd.
The laws laid down by the Great Compromiser were ones of peace and prosperity, meant to unite all horses of Chevalin. For many years, the mortal horses lived in peace under his rule, happily resigned to following the god-like unicorns. Yet where there is peace, there is also defiance as some horses were not so easily moved by such visions of grandeur. For those that challenged the peace with evil deeds, the Great Compromiser dealt a quick justice but hoped to revive the light he saw deep within them. Most were sent to repent at the praying pool to cleanse themselves of their sins.
Trouble came particularly in the form of a young stallion named Arryn. Both a prankster and a liar, Arryn was well known for disturbing the peace of the herd. Many a time, the Great Compromiser detained him sending him to the praying pool and many times the young stallion escaped his punishments. Yet the great unicorn looked for only the best in his subjects and granted Arryn forgiveness. However, a darkness brewed in the stallions heart as his crimes became more and more spiteful. For Arryn coveted power, power such as that held by the Great Unicorn. He saw his chance at greatness in the treasure the Great Compromiser loved so deeply-a stone of a thousand colors-and at his first chance he stole it.
Enraged, the Great Compromiser and his followers hunted down the stallion but by the time they found him, the stone was gone. At this revelation, the once kind and gentle leader turned cold with rage and banished Arryn and all those who had committed a past crime from the herd, condemning them to life on the Southernmost island of Chevalin. To ensure these criminals would not escape, the Great Compromiser used his magic to lower the land bridges connecting the main lands to each other, thus sealing the criminals fate. They were to live exiled from the purity of the unicorns' way of life.
It is thought the the Great Compromiser expected the criminals to perish in the wild and unknown land he had banished them to; and many, in fact, did. Chaos reigned in those with the darkest hearts and internal fighting was a daily occurrence. Violence was not the nature of all who were banished from the once peaceful life, and a few managed to settle in the midst of such turmoil to bare the next generation.
Despite such unseeming odds, the criminals managed to survive. Among the newest generation was a mare named Dessary, granddaughter of Arryn the Thief. She was one of the first to notice the brewing hate that plagued the horses now residing on te Southern Isle, and was gravely disturbed by the bloodshed. Born of kind and noble heart, she could not stand idly by and let chaos rule. Courageously she called out to the Great Compromiser, asking for freedom from the ravaged land and pardon from their ancestors sins. Yet the Great Unicorn still bore hate for the mishaps of the criminals and denied their children passage, claiming their blood was “tainted with evil." Infuriated and disappointed, Dessary abandoned the coastline, vowing to return the land to her brothers and lead them from banishment. Using her charisma and compassion for her fellows, Dessary called the offspring of the exiled horses together; uniting them as a stronghold against those that still wished to do harm. Together, these horses formed what is now the Exile herd, proudly claiming the title of their forefathers, and peace was finally brought to the Island.
For many generations, peace reigned and the Exile herd grew strong. The once feared and unknown island flourished with life and abundance near equal to that of the north. It was generations later during the time of Donna and Locke, leaders chosen by the herd for their chivalry and courage, that the downfall of the Exiles began. On a stormy summer night that would mark the end of their reign, lightning struck the parched forest, setting it ablaze. The fires spread quickly across the island, killing all in its path and depleting the last of the resources. At the start of the blaze, Locke charged into the fire to try and stop it with Captain Donna and High Guard Khala following close behind. The fires would burn for six more months, turning the soil to ash and poisoning the air.
Current Happenings
After the disappearance of the leadership of the herd, a new leader was to be elected. Cael, a strong guard with flame colored mane and tail, was elected for her prowiss and leadership abilities. The herd loved her, and she accepted the position right away. Soon after, Kanu was chosen to be her Captain, and he has remained in this position since. Around this time, the herd was confined to a small area of land, now given the name 'the last green land,' and were left with a choice.
The Exiles had to abandon their home land, or stay and try to survive. For months they did, but as the herd slowly began to starve, a decision was made to cross the landbridge in search of a place they could call home until their land was healed again. A scouting party was sent ahead to the Eastern Island to see if the Bachelors would share a piece of land. Kanu made a deal with the leader Klaus. The Exiles could stay, but they would have to sacrifice a mare or a colt as pennance. The deal was made, and one of the Exiles gave herself up to the Bachelor herd.
The end of winter slowly approached and the Exiles were growing stronger, slowly regaining some of their lost health. As spring finally began to creep over the land, a group of Bachelors again approached their ranks. A new leader had risen among them, and Cain came to them with a new proposition. His simple demand: Cael would come with him and be a captive to his herd, and the Exiles could continue to stay without any risk of more horses being taken. In order to protect her herd, Cael surrendered herself and was taken away by Cain and his Elites.
The herd was left in shambles with their leader suddenly taken from them, but Kanu took care of them until such a time that an election could be held. With rumors of war spreading across the isles, the Exiles were unsure of what to do. It was then that a previous High Guard returned to them after spending a year on the Southern Island alone. Khala was soon elected leader, and took charge of the herd. A vote to determine their fate was soon taken, and the Exiles left to seek the aid of Vasska, King of Olde.
What they found upon arriving to the northern side of the Eastern Island was two herds on the brink of war. Vasska gave them an ultimateum, if they could make it through the battle without injury, they could come to Olde. Enraged, most Exiles sided with the Bachelors. However, a few stayed with Olde and the herd was divided for the extent of the battle. When it ended in a draw, the Exiles retreated again to regroup and decide where they should go next. Olde was now closed to them, and few trusted the Bachelors enough to remain close to them.
With no defined home, the Exiles still have no where to go, but they are hopeful for the future and are in constant search of ways to return home.
Quick Timeline
(Years always start with Winter and end with Fall)
Year 50
The Exiles were founded during this year after The Great Compromiser’s banishment of Arryn the Thief along with his followers. The Exiles had a rough beginning, as they were expected to perish on the uncharted lands. Through the trials and fighting, they managed to endure.
Year 100
As the next generation of this newly formed herd is born and grown, a single mare stands out among their rankings. Dessary, called The Brave One by many of her colleges, tries to amend past hurt and seeks the Compromiser’s council. Unfortunately, she was met with contempt, and the Exiles accepted that they would forever be independent of the blindly dependent religion of Olde.
Year 167
The first of many rounds of fires sweeps over the Southern Island. Much of the tale has been lost over the years, but the fear this terror caused lingers on in the hearts of all Exiles. After this time, the Exiles entered the greatest prosperity of their existence, and this peak remained for nearly two more generations, the fires nearly all but forgotten.
Year 375
This year has been said to be the turning point of the Exile’s fortunes. Locke was voted into leadership after the demise of the prior, and Donna was appointed his Captain. It is unclear whether there was poor leadership or simply fate deciding to break its loose and friendly grip, but the struggles of the Exiles returned. Drought, famine, fires, fighting. The herd had to learn once more how to survive, but they have persisted.
Year 400- Summer
The Great Fire. Another forest fire broke out in the midst of a dry summer and an intense thunderstorm. All of Southern was burnt to ash and dust. What was once their lush paradise became the Ash Plains. . . Countless horses were lost or killed, including both Donna and Locke. Soon after this, Cael was elected leader and Kanu was chosen to be her Captain. As winter approached, the Exiles had to decide to stay and face death, or leave their island in order to survive.
Year 400 - Fall
Deciding to leave their home in search of better grazing, the Exiles seek aid on the Eastern Isle.
Year 401 - Winter
They are granted residence, but at a price: one mare or colt was to be given up per month they stayed. Forced to agree to keep the herd safe, Cael and Kanu consent and the herd rests, trying to strengthen themselves. However, the peace is broken when talk of war breaks out. Cain, the new Bachelor leader, approaches the herd with one request: Cael is his, and no other horses will ever be taken again. Cael leaves willingly to protect her herd.
Year 401- Summer
After a pause without a defined leader, a returning High Guard, Khala, is elected leader just before the outbreak of war. The Exiles decide to try to aide Olde in this battle, hoping that their goodwill would grant them safer pastures. Unfortunately, the herd was denied, and the members were left to choose a side to fight for. Some went with Olde and some with Bachelor. At the end of the battle, the Exiles have withdrawn, awaiting a clear path and hoping that rest might finally befall their weary lives.
The Exile Code
Customs and Traditions
Stubborn, Sincere, Survivors
Despite the herd's general disbelief in the religion of Olde, the Exiles do still celebrate holidays and customs borne of their herd's past trials and struggles to find it's place in the land. Most of these customs are closely tied with the herd's history, many founded by past leaders and heros.
New Life Celebration: Foals are cherished and celebrated amongst the Exile Herd, and when a foal is born, that night is to be filled with laughter, dancing and joy. The foal shall be treasured and the mother is to be lavished with grooming and gifts.
Wedding Celebrations: Weddings among the Exiles take place over three days, each day holding specific events. On the first day, it is customary for the two to be seperated. The mare will spend the day with the other mares of the herd in any way she chooses to prepare her for the lavish day ahead. Similarly, the stallion will separate himself to go in search of gifts for his bride. If two horses are of the same sex, they may choose whom they wish to spend the day with and how it is done. The second day is the wedding itself. The two wishing to be united are brought together at sunrise and presented with their henna and pearls. The day is spent celebrating with song, dance, games, and storytelling. The leader will make an official declaration of their marriage at sunset, and once the moon is high, the two are left alone. On the third day, the couple is left in peace, allowed to spend the entire day at leasure. Generally, the herd will acknowledge this with silence, only to resume celebrations when the couple returns home that evening by sunset.
Dessary Day: On this day, the Exiles celebrate its founding and freedom from the tyranny of the Great Compromiser. As the sun rises, the herd will make it's way to the shore at the site of the unrisen landbridge. There, they will begin throwing rocks into the seas to demonstrate their dislike for the way Dessary was unfairly treated by the Great Compromiser and denied entry to Olde. This symblolized their herd's choice to make their own path. The rest of the day is spent in celebration with games, dancing and singing. When the sun begins it's decent, the Elders creap from their dens to tell the stories of their ancestors, weaving together the family tree of their herd. The night is finished when the current leader comes forth to give a speech to remind their herd of their unique individuality.
First Light Festival: This festival is generally held on the spring solstice as the herd celebrates the first warmth of spring. Scout are sent out days in advance to find the largest, fullest meadow on the island. The herd will then travel to this location the day before in anticipation of the festivities to come. As the first light rises, the horses will begin to tend to the land with the utmost care, sweeping away any remaining snow from the blossoming flowers and trees. The rest of the day is spent 'farming' the land, the herd taking care to water and tend to the needs of their environment. This holiday is concluded with the entire herd performing their sacred rain dance in celebration of the new life. Foals are also celebrated on this day, and it is not uncommon for them to be presented with small gifts from their herdmates.
Exile Ranks
Exile ranks are generally seen as both job positions and status in the herd's society. While the Exiles are not as heircal as Olde, they do seem to have social classes, and those with similar ranks are commonly seen within each other's presence. Position devision does not happen until Equerries have graduated and been placed in their suitable ranks. This herd focuses heavily on ability and hard work with horses having to prove their worth to earn their rank. With persistance and dilligence in training, any horse can make their way up the ranks.
The Leader
The leader of the Exiles is elected by the members of the herd, often for their service to the herd or renowned character. Horses deemed worthy for leadership often have traits that take after Dessary- honesty, courage, bravery, charisma and an ability to command when necessary. Often, this is a highly regarded member of the herd and the only requirement for running for election is a will to sacrifice time and energy to serve the herd. In addition to running the herd and performing their duties, Leaders will often hold meetings to discuss issues with the herd and hold them up to a vote as well as deliver punishments and reprimands. While they can make decisions on their own, more popular leaders have always first sought the approval of their subjects.
At 0 tier | Achieve their gift early, and for free as a symbol of their power as leaders.
At 25 Tier | Your senses have become more in tune with the weather. You can now sense when a drastic change is going to happen.
At 50 tier | Earns the right to purchase a level 2 companion, or gifted a level 1 Wolverine
At 75 tier | Access to carnivorous companions in the shop early, also is immediately upgraded to stage 2 of their gift if they haven't reached it yet.
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Strategy Scroll or Nature Knowledge Scroll.
High Guard
The High Guard are often said to be the elite of the elite from within the ranks of the Guard, though an outstanding Scout could also claim this position. Often, this rank is awarded to two outstanding horses who have proven their worth to the Leader, as they will also serve them as councellors and strategists. These horses opperate in close confidence with the Leader and Captain, taking direct orders from them to relay to the rest of the herd. These horses also serve as the voice of the herd, bringing forward issues that those of lesser ranks might not. They are always looked upon with favor in the eyes of the herd, and a wise Leader would take care to choose horses that are both skilled and influencial. This rank focuses on Nature Knowledge and Agility.
At 25 Tier | Earns the ability to mentor an equerry - please note the group for your assignment!
At 50 tier | Your judgement is trusted, and you are well respected - as such, you are able to lead small groups of exiles (applies specifically to group objectives).
At 75 tier | Earns the right to purchase a level 2 companion, or gifted a level 1 American Marten
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Nature Knowledge Scroll or used Agility Scroll
Rather than opperating as a standing army, the Guard are actually a defensive group of horses trained in fighting to watch over the herd while it grazes or travels. These horses are often chosen from among the Equerries for their strength and prowess, often displaying traits similar to the higher ranks. These horses work directly under the command of the High Guard, though orders always come from the Leader or Captain. The Exiles have never been interested in a military, but they are no fools. The Guard is a highly skilled group of individuals whom choose to focus in Agility and Nature Knowledge.
At 25 Tier | Earns the ability to mentor an equerry (please note the group for your assignment!)
At 50 tier | Has the ability to fight off large predators without major harm. This does not include hordes of predators. You are also less likely to be wounded when defending another horse.
At 75 tier | Earns the right to purchase a level 2 companion, or gifted a level 1 American Badger
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Agility Scroll or used Nature Knowledge Scroll
Equerries are young horses in the herd's society, often between the ages of 13 and 18. These individuals are placed into training once their 13th birthday passes, and there are two routes they can choose to take: Medic or Guard. The medic path is highly selective, and thus is the hardest to enter, for these younglings must display a prowess for medicine and discovery. However, the guard path is no cake-walk either. Training sessions can sometimes take place from dusk until dawn, and only those who persist will make it to the end. At the end of training, only the best of the best will be allowed to enter the higher ranks while the rest will live their lives out as scouts, unless otherwise proven worthy.
At 25 Tier | Tested and assigned a mentor in either guard or medic ranks, please note the group for your mentor!
At 50 tier | Has learned the codes and duties of being a guard/medic. Guard hopefuls will be shown the relevant surrounding area, and medic hopefuls will be shown how to forage for herbs
At 75 Tier | If taking the guard path, may now patrol on their own or with other semi-graduated equerries in daylight hours. If taking the medic path, may now be assigned to attend to minor wounds and illness without guidance.
At 100 tier | Is able to graduate to being a full-fledged guard or medic with 50 tier transferred toward the new rank. If under the age of 18, they will receive a level 1 Least Weasel and must maintain their training until they are of age.
Much like the Leader of the Exiles, the Captain is elected through popular vote. This horse acts as second-in-command of the herd, and is the primary advisor to the Leader. Often, these individuals will be similar in basic character to the Leader and past Captains. Captains are generally always Guards or High Guards before moving into this position, and are expected to have that experience. Captains will also generally be in charge of war matters and overseeing the training of the Equerries. With the consent of the leader, the Captain will choose mentors for each Equerry, speak with the High Guard about herd affairs, and plan patrols or missions for the Scouts. This horse will often focus on Diplomacy and Nature Knowledge.
At 25 Tier | You have gained the leader’s trust, as well as the herd’s - any orders you issue now carry more weight and you can lead small groups of Exiles (applies specifically to group objectives).
At 50 tier | May receive gift early if desired.
At 75 tier | Earns the right to purchase a level 2 companion, or gifted a level 1 American Mink.
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Diplomacy Scroll or used Nature Knowledge Scroll
Operating underneath the command of the Leader and Captain, Medics are the healers of the Exile herd. While the rank was suggested when the fires took the lives of many herd members it was not officially created until the war passed. This rank was deemed a necessary addition after the long, arjuous battle, which left over half of the herd weakened and injured. These horses are tasked with keeping the herd healthy, especially now in times of war. Since this rank is so new to the Exiles, Medics are pioneers of their kind, tasked with the discovery of remedies and medicines independant of any mentors or horses from other herds. They are expected to focus on Herbal Knowledge and Nature Knowledge.
At 25 Tier | Understands the external anatomy of horses better than most, making the healing of minor injuries easier. You also gain the ability to mentor an equerry - please note the group for your assignment!
At 50 Tier | Understands the internal anatomy of other horses better than most, making healing life-threatening or potentially chronic injuries POSSIBLE
At 75 tier | Able to own level 2 companions early, or gifted a level 1 Black Footed Ferret
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Herbal Knowledge Scroll or used Nature Knowledge Scroll
Scouts make up the majority of the population of the Exile herd. They are given this title due to what the whole of the herd is usually tasked with--scouting for grazing land, shelter and water. These horses often have easier, more relaxed lives than Medics or those of the Guard. They are generally allowed to live at their own leisure, but it is not unusual for the Leader or Captain to send them out on tasks and quests. This is also the rank the newest members of the herd will be automatically placed in until they can prove themselves worthy of another rank. These horses are invaluable to the processes of the herd, and are often well versed in the lay of the land. They are expected to eventually also focus in Nature Knowledge and Observation.
At 25 Tier | Receive training in mental mapping and are now able to easily remember paths they have previously taken.
At 50 tier | You’ve been a scout for some time now, and seem to be able to find resources faster than the common horse. Some say you could smell a stream a mile away
At 75 tier | Can own a level 2 companion early or are gifted a level 1 Tayra
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a used Observation Scroll or a used Nature Knowledge scroll
Saplings are the offspring of Exiles or foals adopted from outside the herd in need of a home. The Exiles are perhaps the most welcoming of newcomers and would enjoy training young foals in their ways.
At 25 Tier | Is slowly weaned from their mother’s side, and they begin receiving lore and survival lessons from the elders
At 50 Tier | Joins equerry or becomes a scout - they also receive an aging potion which brings them automatically to age 13.
Ranks Available to Members
This availability stands for incoming members as well as current members. Please check this before making an exile (:
Leader --- CLOSED (1/1) admin only
Captain --- CLOSED (1/1)
High Guard --- CLOSED (2/3)
Medic --- APPLICATION ONLY (0/4)
Guard --- OPEN
Scout --- OPEN
Equerry --- LIMITED--ask before creating
Sapling--- only born through RP
© 2013 - 2015 McKenna Morison | Elesette
Proudly created with Wix.com
Background © 2015 Dry-Oasis
Since the time Dessary pulled together the exiles to bring peace to the land of the forsaken, there has been a code. This was created the day the horses of the southern isle banded together to form their resilient and well known herd of misfits, and to break one could be a punishable act.
**** 1. A horse who would slay his own kin is considered soulless and shall be removed from the herd immediately. The loss of any life is a grievance to the exile herd.
** 2. "Brothers are greater than blood." Your herd comes first no matter what. It does not matter whose blood you were born of.
**** 3. The leader is chosen by way of vote. Together the herd must decide its hero.
4. Those that question the leader's motives have the right to voice their opinion. Challenges to decisions or leadership are brought before the herd where each voice their opinion. If the dispute can not be decided peacefully, it is given to the herd members to make a final decision.
*** 5. Foals, carrying mares, and the elderly's needs are put before all else. Those that act selfishly against this law are fed last. Those that continue to break this law are banished.
** 6. The herd must not stay in one place longer than a fortnight. Together we must nurture this land we were blessed with.
**** 7. During summer drought, when water is scarce, no horse is allowed to set hoof in water. Let your mouth be the only thing to touch this sacred element.
* 8. Mares are protected under herd law from questions regarding a foal's bloodline and origin.
*** 9. No horse is to set hoof on a landbridge. This is for your own protection as the land outside of your own is not worth the time of an Exile.