Past Members of the Month
Jenny brings so much warmth and encouragement to the CW community, and we all love her for it! Hardly a piece goes by without a lovely comment from her, and her friendly nature embodies the heart behind this group! Her thoughtfulness and sweet nature are so loved by us all! Congrats dear!
Though she won once before the 'official' start of this award, Ginger has earned it again, many times over. One of our most active members, including the first to completely max out a character, Ginger is a familiar face to all in the group, and spreads her love with generous comments, and her friendly disposition in the chat. She will never shy from helping another member out, and is always there to make our days a little brighter with her brilliant characters and sunny disposition. Congratulations, again!
Blue is one of the most active members here at CW, and has character beloved by all! There's hardly a deviation without a sweet, thoughtful comment from her submitted to the group, and we all love and appreciate her for it! Thank you so much for all that you do for this community! This award has been a long time coming! Congratulations!
Pony, our resident magical forum faerie and CW powerhouse, is always working to keep this group up and running! Its easy to see her dedication to CW through her characters. All six of them are fairly active and extremely diverse - helping to round and exemplify the culture of each herd they are in. Since becoming an admin she has thrown herself into the group lore, really helping to enhance and flesh out what we had before. Many members have noted her kindness and helpfulness as an admin. Pony-Bones has always been there to keep CW on track and the group wouldn't be where it is now without her!
A new member to the community and a wonderful new graphics admin, Queerly has completely immersed herself into CW's community and has really embraced the heart of it with her kind words and giving personality! Always inclusive and so generous with her artwork, Queerly gives back so much to the community and we all love her for it! Congrats!
The members of Chevalin appreciate your lovely comments on their artwork and sweet and caring nature towards everyone! In addition, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we love seeing art of Wren and Ezra pop up in our inboxes! Thank you for being such a wonderful member of this community!
Past Characters of the Month
Syria played by Tree-Branch
Tree is a new member to the group, but she's already made quite the impact on us all with the beautiful Syria! With such a beautiful, well thought out and formatted character, who couldn't love this speckled beauty! Syria really stands out in the Exiles, and we're all excited to see more of her! Congratulations!
Riddick/Ron played by Songsthedeadmensing
Songs has really blown everyone away with Ron's complex and well-thought out back story, as well as the connections he has made in the few months that he has been active. He is becoming a pillarstone of the Bachelor life, and all of us look forward to seeing him to continue to grow. None of us can resist his handsome face. Congratulations!
Mallen played by Zombise
March's CotM award goes to Zombise's Mallen!! Zombise really immersed herself into the community this month and has already made this boy a well-known name! We love seeing him pop up in the inbox and seeing him in RPs and all around is such a pleasure! And what a handsome boy he is too!! Congratulations!
Wren played by Dry-Oasis
February' CotM award goes to dry-oasis' Wren, who has developed a lot throughout this month! She got overwhelming nominations for how darling and precious she is, and how much soul dry-oasis has poured into her. Wren has a unique backstory and a very interesting personality that, though difficult to write,dry-oasis stays completely to, which I commend her for! We all enjoy seeing the beautiful scenes and effort that come with Wren's checkpoints, and we can't wait to see how she continues to develop.
Eden played by Queerly
There is no doubt that Eden is one of the most unique characters to come into Chevalin! Eden's sass and other wonderful personality traits come through in every piece he has been featured in, and it's easy to say that ALL of Chevalin LOVES him! Not only IC but OOC as well! Look out Eden, you've got a fanbase!
Grange played by ValiantShadow
Now this is one special guy and we've been seeing so much development from him this month! This guy has been through a lot, and it is clear that we all appreciate this amazing and well thought out development in him! Can't wait to see more!
Past Roleplays of the Month
May's RPotM award goes to pony-bones' Bat-Sheva and Queerly's Magdalene with their RP "Now I Can't Look You in the Eye"! Another fabulous role-play that gives us all a look into Bachelor life, and with two characters that are also beloved by us all! This role-play gives us a glance into the relationship between Sheva and Magdalene, full of feels and intrigue! This excellent RP is absolutely a must read! Congratulations ladies!
April's RPotM award goes to pony-bones' Cain and CrystalUniicorn's Elowen with their RP "The Outsider and the Slave"! Overwhelmingly, we were all enraptured by the play between the Bachelor king and the lovely, illusive Bachelor slave this month. Showing a softer side than many have experienced with Cain, this roleplay provides a glimpse into his early reign. The Outsider extremely well written and the styles of the two players mesh perfectly - a good read for anyone curious about the Bachelor herd. Congratulations!
March's RPotM award goes to Katha88's Arturo and ghillietoes42's Guntram with their RP "Learning Years are not Earning Years"!! We loved getting to delve into the past of these two characters, and always love to see and support character development RPs in all shapes and forms! We loved seeing all the nuances and exploration in this RP! Congratulations!!
Nightmares involving BlueUnicornJ13's Ryder and Hearturchin's Effie
Ryder and Effie got quite a few nominations this month and it was hard to choose which one definitively deserved RPotM. Nightmares is a great read that shows the two horse's mature relationship and the growth of their son, and is perfect for any newcomers that would like to get caught up lore-wise with the Chevalin story!
When Lightning Strikes involving Ginger-Goddess' Ghost and Katha88's Arturo
January's RPotM award goes to Katha88's Arturo and Ginger-Goddess's Ghost with their RP "When Lightning Strikes"!! A RP from the most recent objective, this is certainly one to read! It is amazing how much action and suspense these two packed into the allotted ten posts! Katha and Ginger showcase their amazing writing abilities and RPing mastery with each and ever sentence! A well deserved win! Congrats!
Cadences; Chapter 2 involving Elesette's Vasska and CrystalUniicorn's Bloom
Called one of the deepest and most moving RPs ever been submitted to the group, Cadences gave everyone a glance into the relationship between the Olde leaders. Inside this tasty writing, both characters showed vulnerability in the more than complicated relationship between them, leaving many of us wondering, where will these two go from here?
Member of the Month
Members of the month are those that were voted in by their fellow members and rewarded for their activity, be it positive commentary, active roleplaying, improvement in artistic ability, or just overall involvement in the group.
For winning this, the member will receive +3 TP to a character of their choice, +10 WG, and +1 Green Rune
Character of the Month
Characters of the month are characters that were voted in by our members for being a particularly well-written and/or intruiging character. Perhaps they grew a lot in that month, or were extremely active, but in the end they stole the hearts of the members that month and will be commemorated here!
For winning this, the reward is +8 TP to the character, +5 WG, and access to an Alter on the forums
Roleplay of the Month
These are the roleplays that stood out to our members as being particularly gripping, perhaps due to some spectacularly written action, drama, romance or for being particuarly compelling to a character's progression (or perhaps revealing something shocking about a character). For whatever reason, these roleplays were chosen by the masses and compiled here so they can be recognized and read over and over again.
For winning this, the reward is +5 TP to each character involved, and +5 WG to each member involved
'of the months'
If you wish to nominate...
If you wish to vote for this month's winners, please click here. The vote is only open to current members, however, and remember that anyone listed here cannot win again for the same category/character/roleplay/etc.