Life Items
As the name suggests, these items have much to do with your character's life story. Have they found a special someone they'd like to share their life with? Do they want to have a bouncing baby with their partner? Does your character need to switch factions? Or maybe you're here for you, the user, hoping to breathe new life into a brand new character with one of our character creation items. Either way, this is your stop!
To Purchase:
Note Ba'yagu and include the following. Please note that if you fail to include the information below, your note will not be answered.
Title: "(Herd/Faction name if for a specific character) Shop : Life Item"
Include a link to your WG calculations and proof
and explain what you would like to buy!
Special Notes: If ram's horn, or wedding item, please include a link to the father or SO!
If an inter-herd marriage is desired, you may choose whichever marriage item, but pay an extra 15 WG.

Voodoo Doll
Use: 2nd Character Slot
Cost: 20 WG
Notes: Allows user to make a 2nd character. For the character to be considered valid, the owner must obtain line art version of this item, and color it in as their new character. Please check your tier tracker level to ensure you are the the correct level to purchase this item!
Glass Statue
Use: 3rd and 4th Character Slot
Cost: 100 WG
Notes: Allows user to make a 3rd character, and a 4th if purchased a second time. For the character to be considered Valid, the owner must obtain line art version of this item, and color it in as their new character.

Wooden head
Use: Extra Character Slot
Cost: Priceless
Notes: Can only be given by an admin during a CW fundraiser or from a CW auction adoptable. It must be used for the adoptable.

Antiquated Mirror
Use: Change character's appearance
Cost: 30 WG
Notes: Allows the user to change ONE character's appearance, as minimally or as drastically as they wish.

Flowers and Jewels
Use: Allows two Olde members or Loners to marry
Cost: 25 WG
Notes: For the relationship to be considered official, a roleplay or an illustration must be posted of the marriage, and must be put on the Official Relationship list.

Blood and Feathers
Use: Allows two Bachelor members or Loners to marry
Cost: 25 WG
Notes: For the relationship to be considered official, a roleplay or an illustration must be posted of the marriage, and must be put on the Official Relationship list.

Henna and Pearls
Use: Allows two Exile members or Loners to marry
Cost: 25 WG
Notes: For the relationship to be considered official, a roleplay or an illustration must be posted of the marriage, and must be put on the Official Relationship list.

Ram's Horn
Use: Allows a mare to birth one foal (newborn or up to 12)
Cost: 50 WG
Notes: There are specific guidelines for foal birth, and gender is decided by the roll of a dice. You will be notified of full guidelines during a purchase!
For the baby to be viable, a roleplay of 1500+ words or an illustration with a 500+ word story must be posted of the parents meeting/showing intent to have a foal, and the parents must be on the Official Relationship list in some capacity.

Herd flags
Use: Allows a horse to change factions
Cost: 50 WG (25 for captives)
Notes: When you send in your note to purchase a herd flag, you must include at least a single paragraph explaining why IN STORY your character is changing herds. Characters cannot change herds without an instory reason. Please supply links to images or rps that provide evidence of their reasons if you can!

Forgotten Bird's Wing
Use: Allows a mare to birth twin foals (newborn or up to 12)
Cost: 120 WG
Notes: There are specific guidelines for foal birth, and gender is decided by the roll of a dice. You will be notified of full guidelines during a purchase!
For the babies to be viable, a roleplay of 1500+ words or an illustration with a 500+ word story must be posted of the parents meeting/showing intent to have a foal, and the parents must be on the Official Relationship list in some capacity.

Golden Ring
Use: Allows the choice of gender for one foal
Cost: 25 WG (MUST be bought with a Ram's Horn or Bird's Wing)
Notes: This item allows for an individual to choose the gender of the foal that they are going to have through the Ram's Horn or the Bird's Wing, and only counts for one foal.
It is said that a gold ring suspended on a string over a pregnant mare’s belly will tell you what she’s carrying by how it swings: Side to side for a boy, circular for a girl.

Aging Potions
Use for Horses 12 and Under: This potion must be earned by filling up the 'rank' area of the young horse's tier tracker, usually to maximum. You must note the group to receive this potion into your inventory, and it is instantly used, so be sure you want to use it when you send the note! This item is free once the character reaches appropriate tier.
Use for Horses 13 and Up: This potion must be purchased, and the price increases for every year that the horse bypasses - however their birth year/season remain the same.
Cost: 15 WG per year
Notes: It must be known that the use of these potions is extremely disconcerting, as your body and mind go through accelerated time, and the mind matures as if it had a normal amount of experiences during the passing year(s). Most horses must recover for a week or so after consumption, both bodily and mentally.
Also note that these years are then lost. If you choose to accelerate a 4 year old baby to 13 through the default potion, you will never be able to put history into years 5-12 again. Same with a 34 year old to a 36 year old - they could never later have, say, a foal when they were 35 as the year is gone.