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Behold, the tier tracker. Be prepared to sit down for a small bit if you're ready to read this section. We need our members to have a good understanding as to how the tier system works before joining the group - as it is how you will level up and improve your character once you've joined. Both art and literature will earn you tier points, and the possibilities are endless, so listen closely.


Before we reveal what the tier tracker looks like to you, you should know that there are 6 "stat bars" that you can add tier points to. These six bars represent the following: 

Speed, Stamina, Strength, Tactics, Rank and Unique Ability. 

 All six are "upgraded" by adding points from your total tier to each bar. These are SEPERATE from the character's gift.


Speed - 0 - Runs slower than most, maxing out at about 15 MPH

25 - Is able to reach higher speeds, and get to that point faster, maxing at 25 MPH

50 - Is able to reach even higher speeds, maxing at 35 MPH, however it is sustainable for mere minutes.

75 - Can now rival even the best of racehorses, at 50 MPH, however it is sustainable for mere minutes.

100 - Can now stay at 50 MPH for an extended period of time.



Strength - 0 - Can lift/pull objects or animals of minimal weight - only up to 1/10th of their own body weight.

25 - Can lift/pull objects or animals of slightly more substantial weight - up to 1/5th of their own body weight.

50 - Can lift/pull objects or animals of semi-substantial weight - up to 1/2 of their own body weight.

75 - Can lift/pull objects or animals of substantial weight - equal to their own body weight.

100 - Can lift/pull objects or animals of excessive weight - equal to 1.5 times their own body weight.

(Light riding horses average 1000lbs or 450 kg - however it depends on your own characters' breed makeup)


Stamina - 0 - Gets winded easily, has a weaker immune system than most.

25 - Could resist getting winded doing the amount of activity equivalent to a quarter-mile race at a moderate pace, has some immunity to common disease.

50 - Could resist getting winded doing the amount of activity equivalent to a Belmont race at a moderate pace, has complete immunity common disease, and some to uncommon disease.

75 - Could resist getting winded doing the amount of activity equivalent to a 25 mile limited endurance race at a moderate pace, has complete immunity to common and uncommon disease, some immunity to rare diseases.

100 - Could resist getting winded doing the amount of activity equivalent to a 100 mile endurance race at a moderate pace, has  immunity to most diseases.

Tactics - 0 - Struggles at thinking on their feet in a critical situation, are likely get caught off guard or flustered. Ex. 0/10 Chess games could be won.

25 - Has gained the ability to conceptualize minor details in advance, can plan ahead but can generally can only manage one task at a time and struggles to keep the end game in sight without getting overwhelmed. Ex. 3/10 Chess games could be won.

50 - Has gained the ability to conceptualize more details in advance, can plan in advance and maintain the goal of the 'end', however the means cannot be excessively complex. Ex. 5/10 Chess games could be won.

75 - Has gained the ability to nearly completely conceptualize tactical details in advance, has a clear sight of the goal ahead of them and how they mean to achieve it, however there may still be a few holes in their plans. Ex. 8/10 Chess games could be won.

100 - Has gained the ability to completely conceptualize tactical details in advance with ease, has perfect sight of their goals and the means they wish to accomplish their ends, as well as ability to predict others' movements in the sphere of their plans. Ex. 10/10 Chess games could be won.


Rank- This is your character's job within their herd, and each rank has different things to earn every 25 points you apply to it! To look more into ranks, and what your character will earn, please check the various lore pages.

Unique Ability-  This is your characters' non magical ability and they do not start in the group with it. It is earned after your character reaches Level 3 or above, which will be explained below! Each ability has more to earn every 25 points, and if you would like to investigate this, drop by Ba'Yagu's shop and check them out!


Gift-  This is the only bar that is NOT controlled by where you want to put your tier points, but rather by your overall level, and you will see its bar down below. You can earn a gift at Level 4 and beyond, and most cost Witch Glass (which is explained on this page). They are magical abilities that the witch Ba'Yagu must unlock from your characters' soul.


*Introducing 'Ghost Points'*


Now that we have laid out the stats, we realize that characters (especially older characters) are likely not going to be completely weak and useless. To resolve this, we give each character, old and new, 50 'ghost points' in one category of their choice. You can show which category gets the ghost points by putting a * next to it on the tier tracker - however it can only be one of the following: speed, strength, stamina, or tactics. For example, for a very strong character, you would want to put a * next to the strength bar to show that they start out with extra strength. Eventually at least 50 points that a character earns must go into that category, but it does not have to be immediately. ***These points do NOT effect your overall count whatsoever, and are merely for story purposes.*** Look here for an example.


So this means your character's blank tier tracker has enough room for 600 points. However, your character hits its maxiumum ammount of points at 500. This means that your tier tracker will have some empty space when your character maxes out. So choose where your points go wisely! 


Aside from having individual point bars. Your character will have an over all "Level" The more TOTAL tier points they have on their sheet, the higher their overall level will be.  Seems simple enough, right?  The Overall level will be what upgrades that "7th" bar we were talking about earlier - which upgrades your characters magical "gift" Now, before I totally lose you, lets take a look at that tier tracker, and really figure out how it works and is meant to be filled out.


Ie: Elesette's Character has 200 tier points, her character is LEVEL 7. She has distributed her points with 100 in speed, 50 in rank, and 50 in unique ability, and started her character's ghost points in the speed category.

Introducing Tier Points


Many a member have voiced that while tier points are extremely rewarding once understood- they do take a little time to  understand. If you are far enough into your application that you need to make your tier tracker - please make sure you have enough time to study what you're about to read. 


This section on our group information is goingto be split into four seperate catagoies. 


1. The Basics

2. Map of the Tier Tracker

3. "Overall Level"

4. How to Earn Tier


Please make sure to read through all of them! If you have any questions - don't be afraid to ask! But please make sure you've tried to figure it out on your own as well! Thank you c:

 Additional Questions about Tier


  • Do I get tier for drawing other people’s characters, and/or NPCS?

    • Yes! You earn tier for doing art for other people just as if they were your character, and the same points are applied to everything since 2015. NPCs are a bit trickier, as they must either a) be in the image/literature with the character that they are tied to, or b) have a detailed personal npc sheet filled out with their relation to Chevalin and which character they are tied to clearly stated. The exception to this rule is checkpoints in which you are asked explicitly to show characters from your horses’ past (such as their parents) - they do not need an NPC sheet and will count as usual in such a case. While you may draw official group NPCs, be careful about tying them in with your character without asking an administrator first.


  • Do I get tier for having other people draw my characters?

    • No, you do not get tier if you commission someone, or receive gift art of your character. We want you to be the master of your character’s storyline, and also do not want Chevalin to be another pay-to-win game, so it must be you putting the effort in. We do encourage gift art, though, as is stated above.


These level squares show your character's overall level, you should write/draw something in each box as you level up.

This tracks the level of your gift, something your character earns at Level 4 or beyond. This is controlled by your level, NOT by placing in tier.

Here is where any items purchased from Ba'Yagu for this character go! For your first character, it will likely be empty or have the item starter pack.

There are a total of 500 tier points that can be 

     obtained for a single character. However there is "room" for 600 tier points in the various stat bars - so choose where your points go wisely! One or more bars will not be completely full when your character is maxed.

Your unique ability you get later, Level 3 or above, and you control how you want to level it up, as well as the other stat bars. Rank is something your character starts with.

Please make sure your total tier is listed clearly in  total tier area! Admins will often check this when 

 you are applying for a gift, ability or life item!

Over all Level

So now that you know the details - its time too look at the big picture. Sure, you know that by adding twenty-five tier to speed your character will run faster than those with 10 tier. Sure, you now know that your unique ability and gift are unlocked later in the game... but how are they unlocked? If at this point you are still confused - DO not fear! Thats just because we haven't explained it all yet! If you need to - go take a breather from all of this brand new information! But don't forget to come back (: this part is important!


Over all level is the main, and possibly most important part of the tier tracker. You'll notice that wrapped around the information and stat bars - are fifteen little boxes. Each has two parts of text on them. The firs text is in the lower right corner of each square. It reads " Level __" this signifies the level your character has reach. the second line of text in each square reads " ___ TP" its much smaller but still visable! This signifies how much TOTAL tier you need in order to reach that level.


Example, Queerly's character : Magdelena has 30 tier placed in speed, 50 tier in stamina, and 10 tier in unique ability. This means she has  90 TOTAL tier. Now thing about it - refering to the squares above, if she has 90 tier what level is she?


Obviously she has JUST reached level 5- which is awesome! She won't level up again until she earns fourty more tier points for a total of 130!



But /why/ do I need to level up my character? What do I get for all my hard work?


Thats simple! When you first make your character you and your character starts out privilegeless. You can't make a second character, he/she cannot have children, nor can he/she earn their gift or unique ability. THIS is why you need to level up. The higher your over all level is - the more privilages your character has.


Lets take a look at what you get for each level!



Levels 1 -6

Level 1 ( 10 points)

Allows character to buy single accessories


Level 2 ( 20 points)

Your character may now purchase life related items. This includes wedding based items, second character items, and foal items. Note: to achieve a third character item both  previous characters must be this level, and to acheive your second character you must have been a member for at least 40 days.

*put the words WallaWalla in your activity check*


Level 3 ( 40 points)

The character, after achieve 40 total tier points may purchase their unique ability from the Ba'Yagu shop. This does not have to be done immediately, but should be done before the character reaches lvl 9.


Level 4 ( 60 points)

At this level, the character is most likely considered an active character of chevalin. So congratualtions! As a celebration for eaching this level your character may go purchase their magical gift from Ba'yagu's shop. Common gifts are free at this level, but scarce and rare gifts will cost a witch glass fee.  Gifts start out with One point out of five: meaning they begin at stage one.


(Scarce + 20 WG)

(Rare + 40 WG)


Level 5 ( 90 points)

Once they are available in the shop, your character can purchase what is called a level one companion from Yagu's shop. Companions do not take up items slots. Also, now that your character has reached level 5, they may pick a more specialized leveling up track. Surprise! You can ignore this message to continue leveling up, and write 'original' in the level 5 area of your tier tracker, or click here to learn more about level tracks, and choose yours! DO NOT view this if you are not yet level five.


Level 6 ( 130 points)

Allows your character to purchase Accessory packs from the shop! Go wild, accessory packs contain 3 to 7 items, and are cheaper together than buying them seperately!

Levels 7 - 15


Level 7 ( 180 points)

Gift is now at Stage 2, meaning it has become more powerful. Please look at your selected gift to see what your character has achieved!


Level 8 ( 240 points)

Character can now own a level two companion OR two level one companions. It should be fun to see what critter your character picks up, if they choose.


Level 9 ( 300 points)

Your character is now granted The ability to purchase magic based items, like imbued rocks and potions from the shop!


Level 10 (340 points)

Gift is upgraded to level 3, and is halfway towards being maxed out.


Level 11 ( 360 points)

Your character now has acess to level 3 herbivore companions! Level three companions can act as their own as characters.! Have fun!


Level 12 ( 390 points)

Gift is at stage 4


Level 13 ( 400 points)

Your character is now granted a Blue Aphelion Stone! Please contact an admin to recieve this stone.


Level 14 ( 440 points)

Gift Is maxed out - your character has mastered their magic completely! Congratulations. 


Level 15 (500 points)

Your character is granted access to the entire Ba'yagu Shop, as well as the ability to own level 3 carnivorous companions. Remember level 3 companions have the ability to act on their own!  So this is quite a privilage. While the level 3 companion must be connected to this character, they should recieve their own reference sheet, and can collect tier points like an equine creature. They must belong to the same faction as your current character. You may only HAVE one non-equine character.

Stars indicate a "special level" where you earn something significant!


How to Earn Tier

NOTE: ON ALL Artwork submitted you MUST report how much tier points you earned for the image. If you are unsure, put your best guess in BOLD at the top of your artist comments. Its OKAY if its wrong (: we'll correct you! However, if its not present at all we will not waste time telling you what it is, and will deny the image. In your activity check - please put the phrase "Golden Rule" in your comment if you understand this.



Now that you've heard about all this super rad splendid stuff, you probably want to know HOW you earn such things. Don't worry! Tier should be fun to earn! It can be earned by drawing art of your character, roleplaying, participating in events, filling out our premade CW memes (available in our DA gallery), and writing personal literature about your character. While earning tier you'll find your character will develop and his or her story will progress in ways you never thought of! After your finish this - you officially know all there is to know about tier! Below is a list of how much tier you earn for doing what. If you ever come to upoload something



Headshot - Less than half of the horse is shown, must be at LEAST the head : 1 point each


Sketch Dumps - Uncolored, and/or sketchy images, must be more than 3 present : 1 point


Full Body - Half or more of the horse is shown : 2 points each


Half/Simple Background - A scenic background that the character is 'floating above'/not taking part in, or is heavily simplified/blurred beyond point of detail - Example : 1 points


Full Background - A scenic background that the character is taking part in naturally, containing an easily identifiable middle and background :  2 points


Application Sheet Completed: + 5 Points (redeemable once per character)


+Roleplay Scene Inspired:  + 2 points (must include Role Play paragraphs)


**GRADIENTS do not count as any form of background


2015 UPDATE: Starting January all artworks uploaded in 2015 extra characters will no longer count only for +1 point. They will count for +1 if it is a headshot/less than half the body OR they will count for +2 if they are more than half the body!




Special Circumstances

Repeated Lineart (Edited): Full points for the first use, .5 points thereafter (regardless of if its a fullbody or a headshot)


Comics (including Song-Images): Treated for each panel as a single, separate artwork.

Sketchy-Colored Images and Chibis: All character art that is dramatically abstracted and/or simplified beyond the artist's general capabilities will be given half of what is listed above - Example (Top three images are considered reasonable simplification, fourth image would fall under this category)


HALF POINTS: After completely adding up tier for a large batch of artwork (Headshot or Chibi Dumps consisting of 10 or more chibis or headshots) if there are any .5 points you can round UP


Collaborations: Two players - 70% of points each, any half+ points are rounded up. (For a FBFB with two characters, normally 6 points, each person would earn 4.)

Three players - 50% of points each, any half+ points are rounded up. (For a FBFB with two characters, normally 6 points, each person would earn 3.)

 Four players - 30% of points each, any half+ points are rounded up. (For a FBFB with two characters, normally 6 points, each person would earn 2, because 1.8 rounds up.)


Forum Roleplays: For every 20 posts of 200 words or more on our official forum, you earn 1 TP.


Animations: Animations, due to their complex nature, must be looked at on a case-by-case basis by 2 or more admins. When you submit an animation, please put in St.ash a frame-by-frame of the entire animation so we can break it down.

Backgrounds, full-bodies and headshots are counted on top of the following, for estimations:
Frame-by-Frame Redrawn (per frame): +2 TP
Reused Lineart (per frame): +1 TP


Blinking, snorting, ear-flicks, other simple movements, and any background animation does not apply for animation points.

Acceptable reused lineart animation:

Unacceptable animations:




Between TWO users:

Uploaded Roleplay of 4000 words + :  2 points per user

Uploaded Roleplay of 6000 words + :  3 points per a user

Uploaded Roleplay of 9000 + : 5 points per a user


Between THREE + Users

Uploaded RP of 6000 + words : 2 points per a user

Uploaded RP of 9000+ words : 3 points per a user

Uploaded RP of 13000+ words: 5 points per a user


Between FIVE + Users 

.5 points per a user per 200+ word post.

Ie: Pony-bones posts 16 posts, she would earn 8 tier.


ROLEPLAY of the month: + 10 tier points per a user. 

(Roleplay of the month is chosen from the RPs uploaded to dA the previous month, and will be featured in a journal.)

Note, that if you have roleplayed on the forum and wish to get these  additional benefits, you MUST upload the entire finished thing to dA as a literature submission, along with your word count.




500+ word story (added with an image)  + 2 tier points


2000 + word story on its own : 2 tier points


3000 + word story : 3 tier points


5,000 + word story : 4 tier points





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