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Ba'Yagu's Shop


"Welcome, welcome, to this little shop of wares and hidden treasures. I do hope you find something you like!"


       No one knows how long the witch mare known as Ba'yagu has been traveling the lands of chevalin, and no one knows how she got there. They do know, however, that this old witch has been traveling around the three known Islands for as long as they can remember. They do know that she brings with her all sorts of wares, and a strange ability to unlock a horse's innate power: their gift. In her shop you can find everything from acessories, to second character items, to gift stones and ability scrolls. Some things are for your character to look pretty, others will help you further your horse's game.


       So you might be wondering now... how do I purchase these Items? What do I purchase them with? If so, and you're not familiar with the term Witch Glass, please look to the left!


"Here are all the pretty trinkets and accessories I've found over the years. Not much of an accessorizer myself, so poke through them all you like!


Oh! Has something caught your eye? Ohh, yes! That would look lovely on you, if I do say so myself..."


"And In this area of my cart... you'll find little doodads and bottles of substances I quite forget the effects of. Just a bunch of stuff I collected over the years for you to purchase. 


Those little voodoo fellers I make myself though! They'll grant you (the rper) some wonderful odd power. Feel free to sift through and see what there is to buy!"

"And if you look over- WAIT! My goodness, be careful where you stick your nose! Some of these critters are a little, mm, nippy. Oh, but assure you many of them are just fine!


Having a companion is a big responsbility... you'll need to put a lot of thought into your choice."


"Ahhh, the infamous Gift Stones, and Ability Scrolls. Yes they're here just for your purchase, though I must admit the stones don't do much on their own but look pretty, and focus magic a  bit. 


They're more of a token for the power I will help you unlock within yourself when you hit that right time. Everyone hits it differently, some young, some old - but you do have that power resting in you. I promise young one, give it time!"

Items and Accessories

Life Items and Potions

Gifts and Abilities


What is  Witch Glass?

First... What is witch glass? Well what we human types think of as useless but pretty sea glass, the horses of chevalin think of as valuble Witch Glass. They think of it as a currency to spend throughout the land, as the Witch Ba'Yagu seems to collect it obsessively. No one knows why exactly, but they do know about all the items they can get with it. And if you want to be able to purchase items you'll need to earn it!


First things first:

1. Do not confuse Witch Glass with Tier Points. Witch glass is CURRENCY to be used in-game, and Tier points are EXPERIENCE points used to level up characters. 


2. Witch glass is User Based, meaning no matter what character earns it, even if you have 5 characters in chevalin - the Witch Glass can be spent on any character that belongs to you. You can keep track of it in a personal journal, on a character's tier tracker, or a personal WG tracker of your making. Just make sure we can see it no matter which of your characters references we click on!


3. Finding Witch Glass is a more rare occurence than earning tier, but its not impossible.


4. Recently, a rule that your chacter had "item slots" was taken away. All characters have unlimited item slots, but can only buy certain type items depending on their over all tier level.


Earning Witch Glass

There are only five ways to earn WG: Higher level Tier Checkpoints, Events, Winning Member of the Month, Memes, and posting on our forum. Events are the biggest place to earn witch glass, and some users come out of events with over 45 Witch Glass. In one case, we had a user come out with 80 witch glass. Each event is different though, and some will offer more or less Witch Glass to the Participants. Other ways to win Witch Glass are open to users both during events, and during down time.


Tier Checkpoints

(+ 4 to 20 WG)

Tier check points begin offering small ammount of WG the higher up through the checkpoints one goes. This starts with 4 WG, and gets up to 20 WG once your character is a high enough level.


"...of the Month"

(+5 to 10 WG)

Winning any Chevalin "of the month" Will earn you 5 to 15 WG. This is a one time thing for most people, but a nice bonus when it happens. We have an honor each month for our most active member, a featured character of the month, and a RP of the month. Rps are only eligable if they have been uploaded to the group (From Docs, Skype or Notes) or posted on the forum.




Some memes Earn WG, some Earn Tier read their descriptions to see which!


The Forum

(+ 1 WG per 15 posts)

Chevalin Wanderlust has a roleplaying forum that is open for members. This forum, which I'll link you to in a moment here is for both roleplaying, connecting with other players, and general fun and chatting and was made by the lovely Pony-Bones on deviantart for us. You must join the forum with your DA user name, so everyone knows who you are, but for every 15 posts posted on the forum you earn one Witch Glass. Please do not Spam post. Anything under 2 sentences DOES not count, and the admins will be watching for cheating closely. However we'd like you to have this opportunity to earn some extra "cash".


Visit the Chevalin Wanderlust Forum!


Spending Witch Glass

When you have earned the Witch Glass that you need to purchase an item you want, please look and see if there are any special instructions on getting the item, including what to title the note! This is very important for our organization.

Upon requesting your item, please wait patiently for an administrator to reply to you! This may take a while, as the administrators must be sure you have counted the WG properly, and your character is of a proper level in some cases.

Once you received a response, feel free to use the item, but please only for the character it was requested for. (*)


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