The tale of the Loners begins with two horses. One the symbol of good, the other of evil. This story begins with the side of good, though no divide was intended in the beginning.
The first loner went by the name of Zharo. No one knows if this is the name he was given at birth, but his is one that has become legend. It is said that he was once a member of the Olde Herd, and left before the time of the Exiles, but none have ever told the same story. All that is positive is that he left because he believed that the herd needed an outsider, free of bias, true to their heart, someone that would protect them from themselves. He became this image, embodying the soul of what Loners were meant to be in his eyes. While there may have been more free horses before him, they all hid in the shadows, lurking where few dared trespass. Zharo remained a mysterious figure for countless years, appearing only when he was needed, caring for the individuals in need of his assistance.
Unfortunately, none of this was to last. For it was not long before another horse broke away from his herd, rapidly rising to a level that could be called unnatural. His name was Benson - Benson the Deceiver, as he soon came to be called. A cloud of fear surrounded his name, utterances of his insane power going before him as he traveled across the bridges. Terror. Complete terror ensued under his grasp. Rumors spread of his ability to bend any horse to his will, many saying that he had already killed Zharo, the one horse that stood a chance against the fiend. It is now known that he had unlocked his gift - the gift of blood manipulation.
One fateful night not long after, the two met. A red sky marked the fight that would ensue. Zharo finally came to the aid of one of Benson’s victims, arriving just before the evil stallion was to end the poor little mare’s life. A legendary battle ensued, for Zharo had found a way to fight Benson’s bloodbending, and between fighting his own limbs and the hooves of his opponent, the protector was battered and injured. The fight drew closer and closer to the sea, the water lapping at their legs. On that day, Zharo threw himself and Benson into the ocean, sacrificing himself so the isles of Chevalin would be safe. Both stallions drowned, and the lands were safe.
For a time.
Before his passing, Zharo passed his legacy on to his son, Falkon, who passed it to his son, Kiaru, who then passed the legacy on to his only son, a stallion by the name of Ivalio. To him was given the title of Protector, bound to serve and help the horses of all herds. By the time he was twenty, his father had taught him all there was to know about tactics and fighting, passing on the ropes of how to truly defend the herd horses. Ivalio dedicated his life to the protection of the herds, seeing it more as his life’s duty than doing it because he cared about the horses living in Chevalin like his father had. This stallion took his Zharo’s mysterious manners seriously to the extreme, making a rule that it would carry on to any of their successors. His rule became to ‘help all of the honest hearts in need, but never lose sight of your calling.’ Though, at one point he himself fell in love with a mare who bore him a son. Soon after, he found that it was too dangerous for his enemies to know of his family, and that they would often try to harm them to get to Ivalio in the end. One night, his mate was caught in a trap by a dozen bachelor stallions to lure Ivalio out from the shadows. No matter how much of a legend he had become, there was no foreseeable way for him to rescue her. He sacrificed himself at their feet helping his mate and young son to escape as he held him back.
Jones, having seen with his own eyes how his father’s title of protector had brought him nothing but danger, denied wanting anything to do with being a protector despite all the training he had been through. For four years, horses speculated the descendants of the heroes to have gone extinct until something changed. The harsh years they had spent unprotected were suddenly compensated with the sudden reappearance of the caring Jones. Rumours say the change in attitude towards his life goal was catalyzed by the responsibility of growing into being a father. Nevertheless, it seems Jones too has followed in the footsteps of his fathers before him and stepped up to become “The Protector”.
For years he was a silent shadow, a paragon of justice and good-will. And then it happened: he suffered a terrible injury at the hooves of an enemy, one from which he would never fully recover. In a desperate bid to keep his daughter from taking the Protector title, Jones sought out another relation to pass the torch to: his cousin, Magdalene.
Current Happenings
In the year 400, the witch Ba'Yagu sent her heralds across the lands of Chevalin, requesting that every Loner assemble at the Great Pine to hear a message of dire importance. Those that did not refuse the summons gathered at the appointed meeting place, where Ba'Yagu told them that a violent war was coming to Chevalin. Those who could put their trust in her, the witch promised, would be led to sanctuary.
Those that agreed to follow her were led through the Outland Marsh, far beyond where any sensible horse would wander. What they found on the other side of the muck was an unknown landbridge, guarded by venomous serpents. Ba'Yagu soothed the aggressive snakes with a song, and led her charges across the bridge and on to the shores of an uncharted island.
Their journey was not over, however. The witch led them deeper into the new island's wilds, where they encountered dangerous creatures and had little time for rest. When they finally reached Ba'Yagu's destination, the Loners were shocked to find a great Wall looming before them, baring a sigil they'd never before seen. Ba'Yagu warned that they were permitted to camp near the Wall, but that they should never touch it; to do so meant almost certain death.
But Loners are Loners; they are not born to follow rules. Inevitably, one of them touched the Wall, and in doing so, shattered the ancient seal that Ba'Yagu had placed upon it so many years prior. The broken spell granted them access to the rest of the mysterious island, and so onward a handful of them went. What they found would shake all of Chevalin to its very core...
Quick Timeline

Mariahwhy's Ozzer and ccdefoe2000's Enigma

SaintPumpkinMuffin's Klaus

Captainkatastrophe's Godric

Mariahwhy's Ozzer and ccdefoe2000's Enigma
Year Zero (0)
The first horse known to seperate from the rule of a herd since the unicorns came to chevalin does so and starts his own path. Known as Zharo, he becomes a symbol of independence. He lives to secretly aid the herds while bearing allegiance to none of them. He inspires other horses to follow in his foot steps as independents.
Year Four (4)
A second loner breaks off from the herds rises to become a symbol of the evils many of the loners came to comit without law. His name was Benson the Deciever. The protector and he form a rivalry - one a defender of the herds, another their terrorizer.
Year 25
The two infamous loners meet and battle, one claiming the herd lives should be protected, the other claiming they should be destroyed. The two both die in the battle.
Year 50
Zharo's only son rises to protect his father's legacy, calling himself a protector of the herds. He decides that Zharo's name must live on, and passes down the tradition being a "do gooder" to his sons , the name of protector is passed down for many years. After this, Loners began to fall into four main catagories, two loosely born from the Deciever, Lurkers and Theives, and two loosely born from the original protector: Messengers and Rangers.
Year 400
Many years have passed since the original protector and deciever died in battle but their names still live on in legends. There are more independent horses living in Chevalin than ever before - some know the history of their kind, others do not. What they all know is that they owe allegiance to no one.
During this year, the infamous witch Bayagu sends two birds across Chevalin, sending a message to the loners. She asks them to come from all around and meet her at the Great Pine. Many loners refuse her request... but those that answered were met with an interesting proposal.
Year 401
At the Great Pine, Ba'yagu foretells the coming war, and offers the assembled Loners temporary sanctuary. Those that follow her are are led to an uncharted fourth island, a strange and dangerous land divided by a wall bearing an unknown symbol.
The Loners encountered many strange, hostile creatures before they set camp near the wall. Though Ba'Yagu warned against touching the wall, one Loner did not heed her warning. The mortal horse's touch shattered the ancient seal that divided the island in half. And what did they find beyond the broken barrier? Why, something they would have never expected in their wildest dreams...

The Five Sacraments
Customs and Traditions
Individualistic, Enigmatic, Solitary
While the loners answer to no one, are not part of a herd, and are sparsely decorated among the lands of Chevalin, there are some common customs and holidays among the horses. Perhaps spread through stories or the riddle birds who sing through the lands, these customs have reached the ears of most loners around chevalin.
The Day of Triumph: This celebration occurs on the first day of the first month of spring. On this day, the loners remember when the Great Protector, Zharo, finally defeated Benson the Deceiver. Usually, the loners will gather again around the Great Pine where one of the elder members will tell the tale, and if they are lucky, Ba’Yagu herself will weave images from smoke to display the scenes. For those that followed and may still follow Benson’s rule, this is considered a dark day. The downfall of their beloved leader is seen as a day fit for mourning. Those that followed him treat this as a day to curse those that are out celebrating Zharo’s victory. Sometimes they may even riot and destroy some of the celebrations.
New Birth Ceremony: One day in the middle of Autumn, usually decided on the Day of Triumph, loner dams will bring their foals to the Pine to introduce their children to the rest of their kin. Here, they will be made a laurel to signify their official addition to the Loner ranks. This is considered an important day for the young foals where they begin to learn the path to the Pine - something they will need for the rest of their lives. In addition, the Loners like to celebrate with fun games. For the youngsters, there will be games and crafts. These include flower crown making, hide and seek (stealth), duck-duck-goose (speed and tactics), and musical ponies (coordination). Most, if not all of the games have some important learning experience within them. At the end of the day, the other Loners may give a small gift to the parents/foal if they wish to congratulate them.
Praemium Quaero Day: To celebrate the beginning of summer, all of the Loners gather by the Great Pine (naturally) for their annual treasure hunt. Ba’Yagu will hide objects for the participating loners to find. (This is an interactive event.)
Partis Fabula Night: On the first full moon of winter, the loners will meet Ba’Yagu on at the Great Pine. They hang firefly bottle streamers in the trees and then gather around to tell stories. This is mostly a day to catch up with fellow loners, and participation is not mandatory. When a loner tells their first story, Ba’Yagu will give them a jar with a candle. It’s up to the loner to find a way to personalize the candle. Then, when they return next year, the candle can once again be lit in honor of their attendance. When the loner dies, at the end of the this night, their candle is taken out of the jar and put into a float to be lit one last time in the sea.
Loner Ranks
© 2013 - 2015 McKenna Morison | Elesette
Proudly created with Wix.com
Background © 2015 Queerly
In the herds, ranks are seen as jobs. For Loners, however, a rank is generally agreed to be a state of mind, either the way that a loner sees themselves or a self-appointed set of values. Generally speaking, the lurker and theif rank are aligned with "evil" intentions, and messenger and ranger ranks are aligned with "good" intentions, however there are exceptions to this rule. Each role is unique, and the loner has no one but themselves to answer to for the choices they make in regard to their rank. As Loners live outside the rigidity of herd structure, one rank is not seen as 'better' or holding more authority. Even the Protector's word is mere suggestion, for Loners exist for their own reasons and bow their head to no other horse. (to show that you have read this when applying for loners, or simply completing an activity update check please write "I Stand Alone" )
The Protector
For centuries, one Loner has stood out among the rest as a paragon of integrity, a savior to all that require protection or a helping hoof. He or she follows the old ideals, believing that there should be horses who stand apart from the herds, loners who may act without biase for the greater good of us all. The Protector is not a traditional leader; to call themselves such would be sacrilege to their own values. Instead, the Protector guides their fellow Rangers through example, and may pursue Loners who break the sacraments.
At 0 points | Achieve their gift early, and for free as a symbol of their power as leaders.
At 25 points | The whole world is your home, and as such, you’ve learned quite a good deal about it. You now know the layout of the three main islands’ geography.
at 50 points| You do not claim leadership over the Loners, but your word is still heeded. If you call to them, the Loners of Chevalin will likely gather at the Great Pine to listen.
at 75 points | You are granted permission to purchase a level 2 companion early OR are gifted a level 1 (non-sentient) Eurasian lynx companion!
at 100 points| You gain EITHER a used Diplomacy scroll, or a used Observation scroll**
Theives have often delved farther into the shadows than even the darkest of horses. He or she is quick as a fiddle and believes he/she knows exactly how to get what she wants. It is no mystery these horses are seen as annoyances and sometimes worse among herd horses. The term Theif is used loosely though, and its important to remember that these horses do not not always steal items... sometimes its your dreams, sometimes its your goals... sometimes your life.
At 25 points | You’re getting good at this whole ‘terrible person’ thing! Can now ‘steal’ (as in you must get the original owner’s permission) accessory items from other characters.
at 50 points| All that practice at being such an, ah, upstanding member of society has made it easier for you to wiggle your way out of trouble. You’ll get one free re-roll on punishments, redeemable once every four months. You can also now mentor lurkers on their quest to become thieves.
at 75 points | You are granted permission to purchase a level 2 companion early OR are gifted a level 1 (non-sentient) bay cat companion!
at 100 points| You gain EITHER a used Stealth scroll, or a used Observation scroll**
Lurkers are known to be horses that hide in the shadows. They generally do not disturb the peace of the herds and are much happier on their own than in a group. It is said they know more secrets about the herds than the herds do themselves, and are prone to gossip, but those are just rumors... right? Though not always, Lurkers are generally an amoral sort, and many go on to become Thieves.
At 25 points | Surviving alone is tough. Good thing all that practice with living on the edge has made you more alert to your surroundings. You’ll now notice predators quicker than most.
at 50 points| You’ve done a lot of wandering, and now know the geography of your favored island.
at 75 points | You are granted permission to purchase a level 2 companion early OR are gifted a level 1 (non-sentient) margay companion!
at 100 points| You gain EITHER a used Stealth scroll, or a used Astrology scroll** OR is paired with a Thief to be mentored into the Thief rank. Please note the group for further details!
** If you believe your lurker to be an exception to the rule and wish to be mentored for the RANGER rank instead, send a note to the group titled "To Queerly: Lurker to Ranger" and get ready to provide evidence. More details will be provided in the response to your note! <3
Rangers often believe it is their destiny to protect those that cannot protect themsevles. They've heard the stories of the original protector and have been inspired by it to continue in his legacy. These horses aim to reach the pinnicle of selflessness. They often (but do not always) remain anonymous when helping others, believing it is a shame to help for recognition.
At 25 points | Through hard work and your fervid passion to protect others, you are now less likely to be injured when defending another horse.
At 50 points| As a veteran do-gooder, you’re now able to carry a wounded horse on your back for a short period of time. You can also now mentor messengers on their quest to become rangers. Congratulations!
At 75 points | You are granted permission to purchase a level 2 companion early OR are gifted a level 1 (non-sentient) caracal companion!
at 100 points| You gain EITHER a used Jumping scroll, or a used Observation scroll.
Messengers have often been seen as service horses to the herds of Chevalin. They come and go as they please, and they'll deliver a message for you for a price. They rarely stay in one area and are some of the most active of loners, constantly traveling the lands around them. Though there are exceptions, messengers are usually good-hearted individuals, and many of them go on to become Rangers.
At 25 points | Clink! Clink! You can now exchange accesory items as payment for your services
at 50 points| All that running around has done wonders for your lay of the land! You know have average knowledge of all three main islands.
at 75 points | You are granted permission to purchase a level 2 companion early OR are gifted a level 1 (non-sentient) serval companion!
at 100 points| You gain EITHER a used Agility scroll, or a used Jumping scroll** OR is paired with a Ranger to be mentored into the Ranger rank. Please note the group for further details!
** If you believe your lmessenger to be an exception to the rule and wish to be mentored for the THIEF rank instead, send a note to the group titled "To Queerly: Messenger to Thief" and get ready to provide evidence. More details will be provided in the response to your note! <3
Fledgings are the offspring of Loners, or the unfortunate orphans who have found themselves in a dire situation indeed. They world is a rough place for someone so young and alone...
At 25 points | Is slowly weaned from their mother’s side, and they begin receiving survival lessons from their parents/guardian.
at 50 points | Becomes either a lurker or messenger - they also receive an aging potion which brings them automatically to age 13.
Ranks Available to Members
At the moment, loners are completely closed to members and non members alike. The only loners allowed to be made at this time are fledgelings! On a normal basis the following ranks are at this status:
Protector .... CLOSED (1/1)
Ranger ... Limited, Must Graduate from Messenger (5/8)
Theif ... Limited, Must Graduate from Lurker (5/8)
Lurker ... Open (Unlimited)
Messenger ... Open (Unlimited)
Fledgeling... Born From Established Loners

*** 1. No loner may harm another loner. All are kin to each other, and shall respect the lives of their fellows. Killing another loner is absolutely forbidden (****)
* 2. Loners of Chevalin are to meet once every three years under the Great Pine on the Eastern Island. This journey should be ingrained into their memories from the time of their childhood or told to them upon joining the loner ranks.
** 3. The loners shall never have a formal leader and shall roam freely as they so please.
** 4. Loners shall not interfere in the affairs of the herds. Their ideas and beliefs do not belong to the Loners.
****5. Loners may not disclose information discusses at the Great Pine to any horses in the herds. Their business is their own and the herds have no right to know it.