The History of Chevalin
Once, this land held the footprints of man. In a time long before now, he made his mark on the earth - scarring it with his skyscrapers and wounding it with war. Man was said to know many things, like how the earth revolved around the sun, or how to replace a dying heart. What man didn’t know, or understand was that all things, good and bad must come to an end.
The sudden apocalypse that hit earth, sent our world flying into a new era and through all the destruction, disease, and land broken and covered by new oceans - they say the world split open and in that moment two things happened. Magic returned to the world, and the age of Equus and Chevalin began. Through the apocalypse… the Islands of Chevalin formed, connected by land bridges that would rise and fall with the waning and waxing of the moon and the seasons. While remnants of man were left on the territories of the water-surrounded land - it was the horses of them that truly owned it now. Magic and time had brought them intelligence, but intelligence had brought greed for land, and greed for power. It was not long till the equids seemed to ravage their new land with only war and terror. No horse seemed safe. As everything seemed to be lost however, something miraculous happened.
The fabled creature known as the unicorn revealed his face to his mortal cousins. While many unicorns came to the land of chevalin - the first to rise from the surrounding Oceans was Sir Valraldic - a prince in the land of magic, who would later become known as The Great Compromiser. He, like many of the unicorns, were outraged by what the equines had made of their new found freedom and gifts. He decided that only he could take it upon himself to rally together these renegade beasts and turn them into the society that he dreamed for them.
He pulled together the horses, and set laws for them, told them that as a unicorn he was their leader - a god of sorts. He explained he was there to rescue them, to make them better, to provide them with a better life. Such ideals proved to work well for a time, until some horses became restless. Despite his efforts, the Great Compromiser could not stop all horses from committing crime. Eventually - he had no choice, The Great Compromiser had to banish all he considered guilty of any sin to the southernmost isle. These criminals he sent down to the Southern Isle would eventually come together, and create our second faction: the Exile Herd.
Time passed, and the territories of The Great Compromiser remained prosperous, his nearly immortal form had brought a beauty to the once wrecked world. Horses and Unicorns began to share families together, and the magic of the beast spread farther into the bloodlines of their mortal brothers and sisters. However, the peace was yet again to be broken, when yet another group of horses set to break apart the kingdom Valraldic had created. These horses declared they would rather live free, and not under the rule of a leader. Growing tired of the unappreciative horses - Sir Valraldic, the Great Compromiser banished this group of stallions and their mates - who would later become known as the third faction: the Bachelor Stallions of the East.
Some say it was because he was tired of the sick world that had grown around him, others say it was simply “ his time” but soon after the third faction formed, the Great Compromiser, and all of his Unicorn followers disappeared once again from the mortal world. Despite the sudden disappearance over 200 years ago, the Unicorn’s legacy still lies with the first faction to be made: The Olde Herd. Some still hope that one day the legendary horses will return, but for now, we the horses of chevalin hold on to the magic they left us: the ability to hold magical gifts within us, and the ability to endure.
Comprehensive Timeline
Warning : Extremely Long
Year 000 - Before the Unicorns
Chaos ravaged the newly formed land of chevalin. War was everywhere, and no horse was safe. The world seemed as if it was truly and finally coming to an end.
Year 001 - Valraldic's Arrival
The unicorns appear from the oceans around Chevalin. They form and found the first official herd of chevalin - encompassing all horses of the land.
Year 045 - Valraldic's Reign
The newly formed herd seems to be falling back into chaos - with so many horses to watch over - the unicorns find the task impossible. They are loosing hope. There is a great celebration honoring the niece of Valradlic for recieving her first gift.
Year 50 - Arryn's Betrayal
A young stallion by the
name of Arryn steals
from the great
compromiser who
supposedly tried
to keep the young
horse from falling
out of grace. The
great compromiser
is enfuriated by
this act of betrayal.
Year 50 -
Judgement Day
Due to the
Betrayal of Arryn,
The Great Compromiser
seeks out a horse
with strong empathy
abilities. She is said to
be able to read the morals
of others. All mortals are read by this mare. Those deemed to have evil blood are banished to the unexplored jungle-forest that is southern Isle. The unicorns only wish is that they perish in this land.
Year 100 - Birth of the Exiles
By this time, a new generation of the banished horse's had been born. Much to the great comromiser's dismay they founded the Exile herd - claiming the land they were sent to die as their home.
Year 150 - The Banishment of Horod
Whilist the Exile herd grew strong, the Aphelion blessing and their mortal herd continues to fall apart. Horod the magic eater seeks counsel with the great compromiser - and asks to leave to the eastern Isle to live a life of his own. Furious at a second betrayal - the great compromiser marks him as an outcast- an X on his face. Horod gets his wish and taveles to the Eastern Isle.
Year 150 cont. Call of Survival
Many followers and friends of horod cross the land bridge to join him on the eastern isle - all marking their own heads with the X's as a symbol of their loyalty to him. The Bachelor herd is formed. The niece of the great compromiser challenges him for the unjust banishment.
Year 151 - Rebirth
The great compromiser plans to slaughter the Bachelor herd - feeling that if they were to survive any longer they would bring down his own. The niece of the GC, challenges him yet again - resulting in her horns being ripped from her head and an unleashing of ultimate power. The said niece locks the unicorn kind away on the fourth Island, renames herself Ba'Yagu and so the new age of Chevalin begins.
More coming soon.
Lore of the Land
Here is an expansive list of the lore of chevalin. This page is long, and if you're /just/ looking to join now all you are required to read is the "history of chevalin" section. However you might find it easier to develop your character if your read the entire thing! Below the history includes a map of chevalin, a comprehensive timeline of cw, links to specific herd lore, as well as a gallery of creatures found throughout the lands of chevalin! We hope this helps new comers catch up to the story line to the best of their ability (: if you feel lost feel free to note the group with the title "lore question"

Chevalin Fauna
Since the destruction of human kind and the birth of magic on the lands of chevalin - many a strange creature have developed. Some friendly, some not so much, you can find a list of all official creatures here. Some are rarer than others. Most creatures we know today still exist in Chevalin's world - however not all creatures are as sentient and intellegent as the equinekind. Below this list, you can find a gallery of these creatures as well. We will be adding one or two creatures a week for the next few months - so please be patient with us! The text based Bestiary will be sorted by what island they are found on - and so some may be repeated. There are three levels of creatures, 1, 2 and 3.
Level 1 Creatures (animalistic, no human intellegence)
Level 2 creatures ( Half-Human intellegence, may have difficulty comminucating but have a full range of emotions)
Level 3 creatures (Human intellegence equal to that of equine characters)
The Isle of OldE
Level 1
Level 2
level 3
The Eastern Island
Level 1
Level 2
level 3
The Southern Isle
Level 1
Level 2
level 3
The Crescent
Level 1
Level 2
level 3