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Frequently Asked Questions




  • How do I join Chevalin Wanderlust?

    • Since it is such a big part of the group, that question has a whole page of its own that will help you answer anything you need to know! Please find it here.


  • Can I do photo manipulations and/or use linearts for Chevalin artwork?

    • With our focus being both on drawing (though not necessarily skill) and writing, we prefer all the art to be just your own, and thus we do not allow photo manipulations, or pre-made linearts for the applications, or to earn tier on further artwork.


  • How do I get a second character?

    • Second characters, and those thereafter, are purchased through Ba’yagu’s shop. You must have earned the proper amount of Witch Glass to make the purchase, so be sure to save up! Witch glass is earned by participating in objectives, completing memes, and completing checkpoints for your character, and is universally held by your account rather than per horse.


  • Can I have fantasy elements in my character, such as horns, wings, or powers?

    • No fantasy elements are allowed in the design OR the skill set of your character. All characters must be realistically colored, however their markings can be as bizarre as you wish them to be. Other fantasy items such as fangs, horns, smoke, etc. are not allowed. As for powers, horses must get them from Ba’yagu’s shop. Ba’yagu will look into their soul and see what powers they can find there, and offer you a range to choose from. Horses are not born with powers...unless…


  • May I have my second (or later) character born with their gift?

    • You may have ONE of your characters born with their gift, but you must plead with Ba’yagu before the character is submitted to have the administrators give you their choices (by showing us a St.ash’d version of their personality and history), and be able to achieve all necessary witch glass and tier points for the character within ONE week of applying (also proved by St.ashing all of the necessary images). You do NOT get a second chance, so make sure you are serious about this. Otherwise, the character will have to apply giftless as usual.


  • I want to change my character's age now, can I do that?

    • No, aging is not arbitrary. There is a system in place for it, which includes aging potions which can be purchased from the shop. Any aging without potions or not when four seasons have passed will be considered going against the rules of the group, and earn the user a strike. It is recommended you list which season your horse was born in, if not a birthdate.


  • What are all these * all over the website?

    • Depending on where you are in the website, those are either user strikes or character punishment stars. User strikes are found in asterisks on our join us and character creation section, and are used to enforce our rules. To learn more about the user strike system, please click here. If you are on the Lore section of our website, the stars show what your characters can be punished for, when they break the laws of their own herd. Note that these stars do not reflect poorly on the player themselves, but just are part of a system where the laws of Chevalin must be obeyed. To learn more about character punishment and standing trial, please click here.


  • Do I get tier for drawing other people’s characters, and/or NPCS?

    • Yes! You earn tier for doing art for other people just as if they were your character, and the same points are applied to everything since 2015. NPCs are a bit trickier, as they must either a) be in the image/literature with the character that they are tied to, or b) have a detailed personal npc sheet filled out with their relation to Chevalin and which character they are tied to clearly stated. The exception to this rule is checkpoints in which you are asked explicitly to show characters from your horses’ past (such as their parents) - they do not need an NPC sheet and will count as usual in such a case. While you may draw official group NPCs, be careful about tying them in with your character without asking an administrator first.


  • Do I get tier for having other people draw my characters?

    • No, you do not get tier if you commission someone, or receive gift art of your character. We want you to be the master of your character’s storyline, and also do not want Chevalin to be another pay-to-win game, so it must be you putting the effort in. We do encourage gift art, though, as is stated above.


  • How do personal NPCs work?

    • Personal NPCs are characters that are important to your characters’ history, but are not played by anyone in the group. They are drawn simply for reference, and to help fill out the universe. The perks of drawing personal NPC cards up for your characters’ ties are that you can roleplay as them MINORLY in junction with your character (however they can NEVER be roleplayed without the presence of their tied character(s) and you can draw them individually without the tied character to receive tier points for them.  Personal NPCs CAN be turned into characters later on, if the person wishing to play them has already purchased the necessary character slot from Ba’yagu.


  • Am I allowed to post maturely rated (+18) artwork and roleplays to the group?

    • We allow some maturely rated artwork and roleplays to the group, but not all. Our limitation is also DeviantArt's limitation - so no pornography (written or drawn), and no hate speech (written or drawn), whatsoever. Violence/gore and other ideologically sensitive material may be submitted, such as death scenes or fighting scenes, however it must be clearly labeled and use the 'mature filter' on Deviantart. If you have art/writing that cannot be submitted to dA for this purpose, please simply link it on your tier tracker and an admin will check it when your character seeks to purchase something.


  • What is the difference between simple and complex backgrounds?

    • Both of these types of backgrounds are scenery type backgrounds - flat color, texture, and gradient backgrounds do not count as backgrouds of any kind. Simple backgrounds are those that are either without much definition (as in they are blurred or are greatly simplified), while complex backgrounds have either a definite fore and middle ground, a middle and background, or all three. Often in this type of background, the character looks like it is ‘floating above’ rather than interacting with the environment. In a complex background, the character is inside their environment, and generally as much care is put into the background as was into the character itself. Note that we DO take skill level into account, and you will be judged on your prior art rather than against others’ skill. Here are some examples of simple backgrounds from our administrators:


  • Can I use repeated lineart?

    • Yes, you may, however no matter HOW dramatically you alter the original lineart, you will still only earn .5 points for each recolor, no matter if it is a headshot or a full body image. For example, if you draw a full body lineart and color it in 4 times, you get +2 for the original, and +1.5 for the three others, leaving you with 5.5 for the entire experience. For an example of this, please look here and here. You CANNOT, however, use repeating linearts for memes as they earn you a more substantial amount of tier and that is certainly cheating the system.


  • Sometimes I want to do chibi art or lineless/simplified art, does that earn the same amount of tier?

    • Yes, these are both completely acceptable, however we would like them to be used in moderation, and show the same amount of effort as the rest of your art, if you wish to earn the same amount of tier for it. Lineless or chibi art should not be an excuse to take less time on something, but rather just a different way of expression. Examples of full-tier acceptable lineless and chibi styles: . Examples of half-tier lineless and chibi styles: (top three would be full-tier, fourth image is half-tier)


  • I want to draw/write/rp my character as a human, do I still get tier for it?

    • Yes, you do! There are some situations where the horse version of your character is absolutely necessary, such as Checkpoint Art, Meme Art (except for when specified), Forum Roleplays (to reduce confusion), and Event/Objective Art and Roleplays. Also the human version of your character has the same exact inventory as the horse version, so horses without cool colored ribbons or piercings cannot suddenly have them in human form. If you wish for more information, please click here.


  • If I draw/write/rp my character as a cat/dragon/wolf/etc., do I still get tier for it?


      ​Yes you do! However, over 50% of your submissions of your character should still be in 'equine form', so we ask that you use these other forms sparingly and to good effect. We will warn you when you are getting close to submitting too much non-equine art of your character(s). Also, please keep all forum roleplays equine forms only!


  • I want my character to have an accessory that is not listed, or one that is listed but is not in the accessory pack, may I draw it on them?

    • All characters start with the starter pack, no matter when they are created, so please feel free to use any of the items that are listed there at any time on your character! However, please do not add any unauthorized items to your horse without purchasing it first, such as piercings, blankets, or metal jewelry. If you have a suggestion for us of accessory items that you would like to see, please comment here!


  • I drew a picture with all four of my characters in it, on a full background. How do I split up the points?

    • You can either split them between the characters and add the full background to the TP count of ONE character, or you can apply all points earned to a single character. The only images that need the TP to be applied specifically to the character drawn are character-specific memes, objectives, and checkpoint images.


  • If I have further questions, where do I ask?

    • We ask that you please note the GROUP, Chevalin-Wanderlust, with your questions and one of us will be happy to answer them. We ask that you please do NOT post on our front page, as this may earn you a strike after excessive amounts of questions land there, and do NOT note Ba’Yagu unless she notes you first.


  • I saw a question somewhere that I can answer! Should I answer it for you?

    • Please do not answer questions about the group for the administrators. Trust that we have seen it, and will be answering it shortly. While you may think that you know the best possible answer, (and honestly, you might!), it is possible that you do not and it’s the administrators that have to hear about it later if wrong information is given


  • What are Used Scrolls, What is the difference between these and ability scrolls?

    • Good Question! Used scrolls are a new item that were implemented March 2015. Used scrolls cannot be bought, only earned through upgrading the rank bar on your tier tracker. Unlike your normal ability scroll - they cannot be leveled up. Instead they start out and stay at level 3 of their ability scroll equivalent. So if your character chose stealth for their unique ability - their rank might earn them a torn nature knowledge scroll - in which the character would automatically and forever have the scroll equivalent to a level 3 ability scroll!

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