To begin the history of the Olde Herd, one must travel back to the beginning of history for all of Chevalin. It begins many years after the apocalypse had created the straight and the islands ended. The legendary creatures, Unicorns, rose from the sea and brought peace to the chaotic equine world. The first to rise, Sir Valraldic (otherwise known as the Great Compromiser) is said to have brought this peace to the world. He brought the horses of Chevalin together to create one, large herd and banished the delinquents and criminals off to the Southern Isle. His goal was to have a pure herd. Sir Valraldic ruled as a single leader for the first two hundred years of his herds’ existence. However, in every system there are flaws, and for the Olde, not all of the horses were content to sit idly under one leader for the rest of their existence.
One of the first of these delinquents was a young stallion named Arryn. He was well known for causing all kinds of troubles and disturbing the peace that Sir Valdraldic tried so hard to maintain. The Great Compromiser detained him many a times by sending him to the praying pool, and Arryn always had a knack for escaping these punishments. At this point in time, the great unicorn wanted what was best for his subjects, and he granted Arryn forgiveness. However, over time, his crimes became more and more dark, for he wanted the power that the Great Compromiser had. He stole a stone of a thousand colors, something that the great unicorn held dear. Enraged, he and his followers hunted down the stallion, but my the time they found him, the stone was gone. The once kind and forgiving leader turned cold with anger and banished Arryn from the herd along with Arryn’s followers. They had been condemned to live on the Southern Isle. To ensure that the criminals wouldn’t escape, Sir Valraldic used all of his magic to lower the land bridges that connected the main lands to each other.
The second form of trouble came in a horse known as Horod the Magic leader. He and his followers asked to live a life of their own, without the great unicorns’ rule. Furious with such a decision, the Great Compromiser banished them to the Eastern Isle and warned them that they would fall into chaos if they chose to live a life without them. Along with his unicorn court, the Great Compromiser watched over them for the next two decades before they could bare no more the overwhelming chaos between the Exiles of the Southern Isle and the newly banished Bachelor Herd of the East. Some horses say the Great Compromiser simply died of old age, and the rest of the unicorn folk left because of that.
Most of the horses that lived on the Island of Olde believed that the unicorns disappeared back into the sea, likely due to their disappointment in the mortal horse species. After the Great Compromiser's disappearance, however, a horse known to be his half-unicorn son, Sir Vantana, promised to rule the horses that followed the unicorns with the same grace as his father had. He named them the “Olde Herd” for their practice of the lore of the old. Over the next two hundred years, Vantana’s sons and their sons would become the next leaders of the herd. They still practice the lore and worship the legendary unicorns in hopes that they may someday return.
Current Happenings
In the fall of the year 401 the holy lake of water in the middle of the city known as the Praying Pool glowed red in fierce prophecy. The horses of the Olde herd were taken aback. For so long in their lives the praying pool had been a symbol of their connection with their gods - the unicorns, a representation of love, peace, and most of all: order. The day the waters shown red was the day the Olde herd was thrown into chaos.
The same day the water changed, the prophet Eiru - the youngest known horse to recieve the gift of clairvoyance- drank from the waters and had a vision. The red shown in the water as a warning. The horses of the Exile herd were headed their way. Images of war and blood shed came to the young mare's mind. They must go to the landbridge and stop this war from happening she warned - and so the Olde herd began their jouney to the south.
As the year changed from 401 to 402, and fall turned to winter - the usually peaceful olde herd made it to the landbridge to which they were forbidden to ever stand on. They expected the exiles to be at their door - ready to unleash a bloodshed they had never witnessed before. And yet, the prophecy proved wrong. Not at their door were the souless horses of the southern abyss - but rather the dealthy eyes of the Bachelor herd- and their feared leader Klaus. Why had the unicorns not warned them of this? The distress of the herds lead to both herds sending spies to the other side - a great sacrafice to the most religious of olde - letting their own break the laws that had stood for so long.
During the mess that had become of the Olde and Bachelor meeting, two of Olde's mares were stolen by a stallion of the bachelor herd who remains a mystery to Olde to this day. And so the worst possible happened: war was declared. Klaus began to retreat back to his Island with his stolen mares - warnings from both Klaus and Vasska that blood would be shed, when it seemed the unicorns themselves damned the herds for what they had done. The earth began to shake, and the land bridge connecting the islands broke - shattering into tiny little islands.
Forced to come up with a new plan to rescue the stolen mares and hopefully demolish the Bachelor herd - Olde began to prepare for the upcoming battle. During the spring season of 401 the herd prepared for what was to come. Many searched for items and others trained for battle, and whens summer finally came, Olde was ready.
Olde began their march to victory, and when they came to the broken land bridge - their leader Vasska used his frost manipulation to safely cross them over to the other side. The battle ready herd ventured through the Riddle mountains -searching for the Bachelor herd so that they may ambush them in the night - and take back all that was stolen from them.
When the herds finally clashed, a great many shed their blood on the battle field. Many came close to loosing their lives - and during all the chaos - the Olde's queen disappeared into the night. Everyone feared she was lost in the battle, while others argued she returned home to care for those left behind.
Finally, the leaders of both herds would meet and the final phase would begin. Who would win this battle, and would it be the battle to end the war?
The olde herd was shocked to find the leader Klaus, who had started the war had been replaced by a new leader in the 6 months that the two herds had been seperated. In the end, the Bachelor's forces proved stronger and more trained than those of Olde. Their militaristic lifestyle and knowledge of their territory saved them from what might have been utter distruction. But even the strongest of armies cannot fight without a leader - and with Cain felled from his injuries - both herds were forced to retreat once more.
Quick Timeline
Eden and Image (c) Queerly
Artwork (c) Pony-bones Characters (C) their owners
Marianela (c) Arly-Barly-Wartek
Eden and Image (c) Queerly
Year -001
War rages over the lands of Chevalin and it appears chaos cannot be stopped.
Year 001
The Great Compromiser comes to Chevalin and founds the Olde herd, obscobing the horses of chevalin into his own.
Year 50
Arryn the theif steals from the great compromiser - this leads to the founding of the exile herd. The Olde herd currently resides on the Isle of Olde, but continues to own the East Island as territory. They give up the southern Isle as a place to banish the new exiled horses.
Year 150
Horod the magic eater confronts the great compromiser- asking to be pardoned from the herd and to live life as a loner. Outraged, the great compromiser banishes Horod and his few followers to the Eastern Island - therefore giving up a second Island from his rule.
Year 151
The half mortal son of the Great compromiser - Vantana rules the herd. He tries his best to keep it together - but with a lack of order finds it troublesome.
Year 230
Vantana's successor and son, Aldric, begins teaching the olde's current religion. After many years of despair without their compromiser - Olde was beginning to fall apart. Aldric preaches that the unicorns were gods - and they would return when they the mortals proved themselves worthy.
Year 270
Many rejoice under the guise that the unicorns will return one day to save them. Most of those who had ever witnessed a unicorn are dead or very elderly. Many believe they are telling old wives tales - but all continue to wish for the unicorns return, Aldric dies and leaves the herd to his son - Vitruuna, who starts the celebration of Vantaine.
Year 290
Vitruuna passes without a male heir, leaving the the throne to his daughter Vasily. Vasily marries in order to keep her right to the queen posistion. Her reign is known to be filled with utter kindess. She started the rumor that "Flowering of the brides" is based on - as it was true for her and her mother.
Year 340
After a long reign, Vasily passes her rights to rule to her eldest son Vladimiir. His reign is one of the longest reigns, but was full of haphazard ruling. In the early years he was said to reign as his mother did - with kindess and even a lienency to the laws unlike any king before him. However, half way into his reign he married an exotic mare rescued from the Bachelor herd: Coramine. It is said his relationship with the herd turned off like a light switch.
Year 380
Coramine is discovered to posess demonism, and accused of controlling her dear husband. The two are put to death for fear of what might happen if their rule continued. Their first son Vladimiir II is to become king. However, Vladimiir disappeares on the night of his parents death, and their second son takes the throne. This is the beginning of Valentines reign.
Year 396
Valentine passes, and his son the current King Takes the throne, with his wife Bloom.
Year 400 - Fall
The praying pool turns red, please reference "current happenings" on the right!
402 - Winter
Klaus and
402 - Spring
402 - Summer
403 - Fall
The Olde Commandments
Customs and Traditions
Mysterious, Religious, Magicdriven
Spiritual, constant, yet devious horses who hide behind a mask of purity. This monarchy is known for its deep belief in the unicorns, and their ability to harness magic better than the other herds of Chevalin. It is said unicorn blood runs strong through their viens. Olde has many traditions and customs that they have been followed for most of the herd's reign. Most of their customs, traditions and holidays are based on their religion surrounding the herd.
Valtaine(Holiday): Traditionally takes place on March 30th and April 1st. It is the beginning of the “light half of the year”. It is said that on this night, a portal to the land of the unicorns opens. No one has ever seen one, though. On this day a scavenger hunt of sort is held in honor of the unfound portal. Groups of horses will go out to find flags set out to represent “portals”
Bowing of the heads(Custom): It has always been customary for the horses of chevalin to bow their heads in sight of their leader. Never should a follower's head be higher than that of their king.
Flowering the Brides(Custom): When a mare is married in the Olde herd, other horses will throw flowers with the mouths or kick piles of them at the bride as she walks with her husband after the ceremony. It is said, that after their night alone, any flowers left stuck in her mane is to calculate the number of children she will have
Weddings(Custom): Olde herd is the only herd to support marriages and call them so. Mates meaning wishing to be forever bonded by marriage are to consult the king, queen, or an adviser for permission. Only Kings, Queens, and Advisers can hold ceremonies - and a couple looking to wed MUST get the blessing of at least one of these higher ups. A wedding cannot take place until the couple has petitioned for it.
Olde Ranks
© 2013 - 2015 McKenna Morison | Elesette
Proudly created with Wix.com
Background © 2015Katha88
Olde ranks are generally seen as job positions but just as much signify the character's status in the herd's society. The herd believes highly in social class - with some members being considered worth more than others. However, being better is not judged soley by blood line - but by how talented or capable the herd member is. Kings and Queens are seen as just that, while an Adviser might have the popularity of a human movie star, but the respect of a lawyer. Healer mages are seen as we do doctors or surgeons, and defender mages like our most specialized and competent members of our army. Knights are comparable to medieval knights in terms of social status - while follower are almost as low as peasants. (to show that you have read this when applying for olde, or simply completing an activity update check please write "Bleed like me" )
King and Queen
The role of king has been passed down from father to son for generations amongst the old herd, and quite suprisingly has never fallen into another line since Vantana first took the throne. They are seen as next to godliness within the herd, although this vision has diminished slowly over the years - they are still to be treated with the utmost respect.The queen has always been meant to be a doting figure to her people - meant to keep good faith in the hierarchy.
At 0 tier | Achieve their gift early, and for free as a symbol of their power as leaders.
At 25 Tier | Able to remember one’s path taken and navigate the city.
At 50 tier |
Can own a level 2 companion early OR is gifted a level one Snowy or Barn Owl
At 75 tier | Ability to collect gifts from other players. (Accessory Items Only)
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a Used Diplomacy Scroll or Used Strategy Scroll
Healer Mage
Healer mages are perhaps the most esteemed rank, above the defender mage and below the adviser rank. They are respected for their generocity and are known to dedicate their entire lives to healing the wounded and the sick. Healer mages are selected the most cautiously of all rooks - as they must have a gentle spirit or at the very least an extreme talent for problem solving and an increased attention to detail. Becoming a healer mage is difficult, but highly rewarding.
At 25 Tier | Earns the ability to mentor a rook (please note the group for your assignment), and also understands the external anatomy of other horses better than most, making healing minor injuries easier
At 50 tier | Understands the internal anatomy of other horses better than most, making healing life-threatening or potentially chronic injuries POSSIBLE
At 75 tier | Able to own level 2 companions early, or gifted a level 1 arctic hare
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a Used Herbal Knowledge Scroll or Used Nature Knowledge Scroll
Knights make up the bulk of Olde's defenses. Chivalrous, resilient, and strong, these noble warriors are well-respected by the common horse and feared by Olde's enemies. Knights boast a strong sense of comradery with their fellows, born from fighting alongside one another in the field. When not at war, the knight's duties include patrolling the island's perimeters, escorting the herd, and keeping an eye on the herd.
At 25 Tier | Earns the ability to mentor a rook. (please note the group for your assignment!)
At 50 tier | Are able to reliably lift another horse and carry them away from danger for a short distance.
At 75 tier | Earns the right to purchase a level 2 companion, or gifted a level 1 arctic fox.
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a Used Agility Scroll or Used Strategy Scroll
Followers make up the majority of the herd, the everyday citizens that were either born into the herd, joined it for sanctuary, or converted to the religion. These horses are expected to be devout, unicorn-fearing individuals of good moral fiber, though of course that isn't always the case.
At 25 Tier | Gain the ability to ask advisers for official favors, such as marriage or assistance in naming a newborn
At 50 tier | (Can be granted private audience with the King and Queen if they so choose) Note: Note the group for an official rp, this rp will be minimum of 6 posts total.
At 75 tier | Is gifted a level one companion, a dove if they so choose to have it.
At 100 tier | Gains either a Used Lore Knowledge Scroll or a Used Astrology Scroll
The advising rank was made under the first King, Vantana, 150 years into the history of olde, when it was discovered a lone monarchy would become too power hungry to keep the good of the herd's best interest in mind- as the leaders are not of pure unicorn blood, they are liable to fall into dark intentions. It is the adviser's job to keep this from happening - as well as aid the king and queen in any of their endevors.
At 25 Tier | Able to remember one’s path taken and navigate the city
At 50 tier | May receive gift early if desired.
At 75 tier | Can own a level 2 companion early OR is gifted a level one Leucistic Muntjac Deer
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a Used Diplomacy Scroll or Used Strategy Scroll
Defender Mage
Defender mages are the elite warriors of the Olde herd. Known for their specialization in magic, they are to be feared by other herds and loved by the citizens of olde. They are an extremely disciplined group of horses that would spend most of their time training through their rookhood. Some are said to be obsessed with their job however, and seem to have trouble relating to non-mages.
At 25 Tier |
Able to focus their mind and sense things that might go unnoticed!You also gain the ability to mentor an rook - please note the group for your assignment!
At 50 Tier |
You now feel a heightened sense of duty, and are less likely to be wounded when defending another horse
At 75 tier | Able to own level 2 companions early, or gifted a level 1 ermine companion
At 100 tier | Gains EITHER a Used Strategy Scroll or Used Nature Knowledge Scroll
Rooks are chosen at thirteen years of age to train as one of the following: Knight, Defender mage, Healer Mage. At the end of every year 13 -14 year olds are brought before the advisers and a select few of the aformentioned ranks and tested. Those that show promise in strength are put into training to become a knight. Those that show promise and strength, interest in magic and a fierce loyalty to their herd and funneled into Defending training. And lastly, those that show kindess of heart and an intense need to help others as well as discipline and an interest in magic are chosen to train as Healer mages. Once they discover their gift however - some rooks are booted from the training program if it does not benefit their cause.
25 Tier | Tested and assigned a mentor, please note the group for your mentor!
50 tier | Learns the codes that one must live by to be a respected mage or knight, and is shown the entire island.
75 tier | May now patrol on their own or with other semi-graduated rooks during the daylight hours
100 tier | Is able to graduate to being a full-fledged knight or mage with 50 tier transferred toward the new rank. If under the age of 18, they will receive a level 1 ptarmigan and must maintain their training until they are of age.
Neonates are the offspring of Olde horses or foals adopted from outside the herd in need of a home. The Olde herd treats their childhood as a conversion - teaching them all their is to know about their great herd and the lore of the unicorn gods.
At 25 Tier | Is slowly weaned from their mother’s side, and they begin receiving lore and survival lessons from the elders of the herd, as well as the mages if they show promise.
At 50 Tier | Joins a rookship or becomes a follower - they also receive an aging potion which brings them automatically to age 13.
Ranks Available to Members
This availability stands for incoming members as well as current members. Please check this before making an Olde horse (:
King and Queen--- CLOSED (2/2)
Adviser- Semi-Open (ask) (6/7)
Healer Mage--- OPEN (7/9)
Defender Mage --- Closed (9/9)
Knight --- OPEN
Follower --- OPEN
Rook --- LIMITED--ask before creating
Neonate --- only born through RP
The laws of olde are laws that have stood the test of time. They have carried an order in the herd that has existed since they were founded under Vantana - son of the great Valraldic. These laws are upheld by the knights of Olde, and are to be respected by the entirety of the herd.
**** 1. Crossing the land bridges is punishable by death, thou will not cross unless it will save thy life
**** 2. Thou shalt not kill one of his own.
*** 3. Thou that bares forth a child before marriage is a disgrace. Thou shall not give thyself before the leader approves of a mateship
* 4. Thou shall not covet what is another's. One must work to cherish one's self and one's belongings
** 5. Thou shall not steal from thy herdsmate
*** 6. Thou shall believe in only the true fathers of our herd: the Great Compromiser and the unicorns. Decrying the faith aloud will cause thyself great punishment.
*** 7. Always bow to your leader, never have your head higher than he, for he is king.